Penggunaan Kosakata Covid-19 pada Headline Kompas Edisi April 2020
The Use of Covid-19 Vocabulary in the April 2020 Edition of the Kompas Headline
Fenomena pandemi covid-19 memunculkan kosakata baru yang berkaitan dengan pandemi covid-19 dalam kajian ini disebut dengan kosakata covid-19. Kosakata tersebut digunakan secara konsisten, terutama dalam pemberitaan di media massa, salah satunya headline Kompas. Dalam headline tersebut kosakata covid-19 digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk dan terdapat kosakata tertentu yang kemunculannya lebih sering daripada kosakata yang lain. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan deskripsi tentang (1) penggunaan kosakata covid-19 pada headline Kompas edisi April 2020; (2) frekuensi penggunaan kosakata covid-19 pada headline Kompas edisi April 2020; dan (3) pembentukan kosakata covid-19 pada headline Kompas edisi April 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data 188 headline pemberitaan Covid-19 koran Kompas pertanggal 1 April—30 April 2020. Data penelitian ini berupa kosakata yang berkaitan dengan pemberitaan Covid-19. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan metode dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik baca dan catat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode padan intralingual. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik hubung banding menyamakan (HBS), teknik hubung banding membedakan (HBB) dan teknik perhitungan sederhana untuk mencari frekuensi penggunaan kata. Hasil penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga hal berikut. Pertama, hasil analisis klasifikasi penggunaan kosakata Covid-19 pada headline koran Kompas April 2020 ditemukan 1.776 data yakni berupa kata yang muncul dalam headline pemberitaan Covid-19. Penggunaan kosakata Covid-19 berdasarkan kelas kata ditemukan 1.028 kata berupa nomina, 372 kata berupa verba, 131 kata berupa adjektiva, 29 kata berupa adverbia, 32 kata berupa pronomina, 9 kata berupa numeralia, dan 175 kata berupa kata tugas. Penggunaan kosakata Covid-19 berdasarkan kategori kata ditemukan 43 frasa nomina, 13 frasa verba, 5 frasa adjektiva, dan 8 frasa konjungsi. Dengan demikian, hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa klasifikasi penggunaan kosakata Covid-19 berdasarkan penggunaan kosakata berupa kelas kata dan perilaku sintaksisnya lebih didominasi oleh nomina dan frasa nomina. Berdasarkan klasifikasi penggunaan kosakata Covid-19 ditemukan 17 data yang merupakan kosakata baru dalam pemberitaan Covid-19 yang tidak teridentifikasi dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia edisi kelima. Adapun data tersebut adalah ‘Corona’, ‘Covid-19’, ‘PDP’, ‘ODP’, ‘Rapid Test’, ‘PCR’, ‘PSBB’, ‘APD’, ‘OTG’. Kedua, hasil analisis frekuensi penggunaan kosakata Covid-19 pada headline koran Kompas April 2020, berdasarkan kelas kata nomina, beberapa kosakata yang digunakan yakni kosakata corona, covid-19, kasus, rapid test, pasien, OTG, PDP, ODP, APD, PSBB, wabah, virus. diketahui kata Covid-19 muncul dengan frekuensi kemunculan terbanyak yakni sebanyak 30% dari jumlah total 346 kosakata kelas nomina mengenai pemberitaan Covid-19. Berdasarkan kelas kata verba, beberapa kosakata yang sering muncul yakni update, sembuh, bertambah, meninggal, tangani, perangi, terkait, terindikasi. diketahui kata Update muncul dengan frekuensi kemunculan sebanyak 54% dari jumlah total 231 kosakata kelas verba mengenai pemberitaan Covid-19. Berdasarkan kelas kata adjektiva, beberapa kosakata yang sering muncul yakni terinfeksi, positif, baru, efektif, terbanyak, tertinggi. diketahui kata positif muncul dengan frekuensi kemunculan sebanyak 55% dari jumlah total 109 kosakata kelas adjektiva mengenai pemberitaan Covid-19. Ketiga, hasil analisis berdasarkan pembentukan kata, ditemukan tiga pembentukan kosakata Covid-19 yang terdapat pada headline koran Kompas April 2020 yakni pembentukan kata berupa afiksasi, reduplikasi dan akronimisasi. Selain pembentukan kosakata, terdapat kosakata yang tidak mengalami proses pembentukan sama sekali yakni kata corona, virus, orang, pasien. Pada semua headline, kata tersebut selalu berdiri sendiri sebagai bentuk bebas, tidak mengalami afiksasi maupun proses pembentukan lain.
Kata Kunci: penggunaan kosakata, covid-19, headline.
The covid-19 pandemic phenomenon raises new vocabulary related to the covid-19 pandemic in this study called the covid-19 vocabulary. The vocabulary is used consistently, especially in news coverage in the mass media, one of which is the Kompas headline. In the headline, the covid-19 vocabulary is used in various forms and there are certain words that appear more frequently than others. Based on these conditions, the purpose of this study is to produce a description of (1) the use of covid-19 vocabulary in the April 2020 edition of the Kompas headline; (2) the frequency of use of the covid-19 vocabulary in the April 2020 edition of the Kompas headline; and (3) the formation of covid-19 vocabulary in the April 2020 edition of the Kompas headline. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with 188 headlines from the news of Covid-19 in Kompas newspaper dated April 1 to April 30, 2020. The data of this study were vocabulary related to Covid-19 news. . The data collection method used is the documentation method. The data collection technique used was the reading and note taking technique. The data analysis method used is the intralingual matching method. The techniques used are the comparative equalization technique (HBS), the differentiating appeal link technique (HBB) and the simple calculation technique to find the frequency of word usage. The results of this study consist of the following three things. First, the results of the classification analysis of the use of vocabulary in Covid-19 news in the April 2020 newspaper headline found 1,776 data, namely in the form of words that appeared in the Covid-19 news headlines. The use of vocabulary in Covid-19 reporting based on word classes found 1,028 words in the form of nouns, 372 words in the form of verbs, 131 words in the form of adjectives, 29 words in the form of adverbs, 32 words in the form of pronouns, 9 words in the form of numerals, and 175 words in the form of task words. The use of vocabulary in Covid-19 reporting based on word categories found 43 noun phrases, 13 verb phrases, 5 adjective phrases, and 8 conjunction phrases. Thus, these results indicate that the classification of vocabulary use in Covid-19 news is based on the use of vocabulary in the form of word classes and their syntactic behavior is more dominated by nouns and noun phrases. Based on the classification of the use of Covid-19 news vocabulary, 17 data were found which were new vocabulary in Covid-19 news that were not identified in the fifth edition of the Big Indonesian Dictionary. The data are "Corona", "Covid-19", "PDP", "ODP", "Rapid Test", "PCR", "PSBB", "APD", "OTG". Second, the results of the analysis of the frequency of vocabulary use in Covid-19 coverage in the April 2020 newspaper headline, based on the noun word class, some of the vocabulary used, namely the vocabulary of corona, covid-19, kasus, rapid test, pasien, OTG, PDP, ODP, APD, PSBB, wabah, virus.. It is known that the word Covid-19 appears with the highest frequency of appearance, which is 30% of the total number of 346 vocabularies for the noun class regarding Covid-19 news. Based on the verb word class, some of the vocabulary that often appears in Covid-19 news, namely update, sembuh, bertambah, meninggal, tangani, perangi, terkait, terindikasi.. It is known that the word Update appears with an appearance frequency of 54% of the total 231 vocabulary of the verb class regarding Covid-19 news. Based on the adjective word class, some of the vocabulary words that often appear in Covid-19 news terinfeksi, positif, baru, efektif, terbanyak, tertinggi.. It is known that positif words appear with an appearance frequency of 55% of the total 109 vocabulary of the adjective class regarding Covid-19 news. Third, the results of the analysis based on word formation, found three Covid-19 news vocabulary formation found in the April 2020 Kompas newspaper headline, namely word formation in the form of affixation, reduplication and acronimization. In addition to vocabulary formation, there are vocabularies that do not undergo a formation process at all, namely the words corona, virus, orang, pasien. In all headlines, the word always stands alone as a free form, not experiencing affixation or other formation processes.
Keywords: use of vocabulary, covid-19, headlines.