Otot core menjadi pusat gravitasi dari setiap gerakan yang dilakukan oleh tubuh, koordinasi otot core yang buruk dapat menyebabkan penurunan efisiensi gerakan dan kompensasi berlebih pada bagian yang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan vertical jump dan dan dynamic balance terhadap penerapan core stability exercise pada pemain bola basket BBM CLS Knights. Sebanyak 20 pemain dengan rata-rata usia 19.55 ± 0.99 tahun, tinggi badan 180.05 ± 6.16 cm, berat badan 75.05 ± 9.1 kg, body mass index (BMI) 23.11 ± 2.49 kg/m2, body fat 11.87 ± 4.44 %, dan muscle mass 62.48 ± 5.62 kg telah berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini.
Dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini, menggunakan jenis penelitian quasi experimental dengan desain pretest-postest control group. Nilai vertical jump didapat melalui tes melompat dengan teknik countermovement jump with arm swingsmenggunakan My Jump 2 App for IOS, kemudian nilai dynamic balance diperoleh melakui skor y balance test dan sebagai penunjang data penelitian seperti berat badan, body mass index (BMI), body fat, dan muscle mass menggunakan pengukuran dari Bioeletrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA) Tanita BC-545N. Terdapat kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen, treatment core stability exercise yang diberikan yaitu terbagi menjadi static core stability exercise dengan bentuk latihan elbow plank, side plank, glute bridge isometric, superman dan dynamic core stability exercise berupa latihan plank with alternating arm & leg raises, dead bug, bird dog, dan single leg glute bridge. Treatment diberikan selama delapan minggu dengan frekuensi latihan 4 kali dalam satu minggu dengan prinsip pembebanan progresif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan dari uji hipotesis menggunakan paired sample t-test dengan nilai probabilitas 0.05 (95%) pada kelompok kontrol nilai signifikansi vertical jump (0.711) dan dynamic balance (0.316), sedangkan pada kelompok eksperimen nilai signifikansi vertical jump (0.009), dan dynamic balance (0.224). Dari data tersebut diartikan bahwa terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan dari nilai vertical jump pada kelompok eksperimen, peningkatan tersebut sebesar 2.29 cm (4.3 %). Seorang pemain tidak cukup sekedar melakukan latihan bola basket untuk mempertahankan nilai vertical jump, diperlukan latihan tambahan seperti core stability exercise untuk meningkatkan performa saat bermain.
Core muscles become the center of gravity of every movement made by the body, poor coordination of core muscles can lead to decreased movement efficiency and overcompensation in other parts. This study aims to determine the increase in vertical jump and dynamic balance towards the application of core stability exercise on BBM CLS Knights basketball players. A total of 20 players with an average age of 19.55 ± 0.99 years, height 180.05 ± 6.16 cm, weight 75.05 ± 9.1 kg, body mass index (BMI) 23.11 ± 2.49 kg/m2, body fat 11.87 ± 4.44 %, and muscle mass 62.48 ± 5.62 kg was participated in this study.
In this quantitative study, using a quasi experimental type of research with a pretest-postest control group design. The vertical jump value is obtained through a jump test with the countermovement jump technique with arm swings using the My Jump 2 App for IOS, then the dynamic balance value is obtained through the y balance test score and as supporting research data such as body weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat, and muscle mass using measurements from the Bioeletrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA) Tanita BC-545N. There is a control group and an experimental group, the core stability exercise treatment given is divided into static core stability exercise with elbow plank, side plank, isometric glute bridge, superman and dynamic core stability exercise in the form of plank with alternating arm & leg raises, dead bug, bird dog, and single leg glute bridge. Treatment was given for eight weeks with a frequency of training 4 times a week with the principle of progressive loading.
The results showed from hypothesis testing using paired sample t-test with a probability value of 0.05 (95%) in the control group the significance value of vertical jump (0.711) and dynamic balance (0.316), while in the experimental group the significance value of vertical jump (0.009), and dynamic balance (0.224). From these data it is interpreted that there is a significant increase in the vertical jump value in the experimental group, the increase is 2.29 cm (4.3%). A player does not just do basketball training to maintain the value of vertical jump, additional training is needed such as core stability exercise to improve performance while playing.