Gambaran Kecenderungan Kolaborasi Siswa SMK di Kecamatan Gempol
Overview of the Collaborative Tendency of Vocational High School Students in Gempol District
Keterampilan berkolaborasi atau collaboration skill ialah salah satu keterampilan abad 21 yang perlu dimiliki oleh siswa agar siap untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan dapat survive mengahadapi tantangan jaman. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kecenderungan kolaborasi siswa SMK di Kecamatan Gempol ketika melakukan kerja secara berkelompok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Populasi penelitian adalah 367 siswa SMK di Kecamatan Gempol yang terdiri dari 9 sekolah SMK Al Arif Gempol, SMK Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia, SMK Tunas Informatika, SMKS Brantas Gempol, SMKS Purnama Gempol, SMKS Walisongo 1 Gempol, SMKS Walisongo 2 Gempol, SMK NEGERI 1 Gempol dan SMKS Yapenas Gempol. Dalam penelitian ini, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik stratified proportionate random sampling. kecenderungan kolaborasi diukur menggunakan angket yang dikembangkan sendiri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan kolaborasi siswa SMK di Kecamatan Gempol memiliki rata-rata pencapaian yang tergolong dalam kategori sangat tinggi dimana hal ini terdapat pada rentangan nilai 81%-100%.
Kata kunci: kecenderungan kolaborasi, keterampilan abad 21, siswa SMK
Collaboration skills are one of the 21st century skills that students need to have in order to be ready to enter the world of work and be able to survive in facing the challenges of the times. This study aims to describe the tendency of collaboration among SMK students in Gempol District when working in groups. This study uses a survey method. The study population was 367 vocational students in Gempol District consisting of 9 Al Arif Gempol Vocational Schools, Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Vocational Schools, Tunas Informatics Vocational Schools, Brantas Gempol Vocational Schools, Purnama Gempol Vocational Schools, Walisongo 1 Gempol Vocational Schools, Walisongo 2 Gempol Vocational Schools, 1 Gempol State Vocational Schools. and SMKS Yapenas Gempol. In this study, the sampling technique used a stratified proportionate random sampling technique. collaboration tendencies were measured using a self-developed questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the tendency of collaboration of SMK students in Gempol District had an average achievement that was classified in the very high category where this was in the range of values of 81%-100%.
Keywords: tendency of collaboration, 21st century skills, SMK students