Keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) penting untuk dilatihkan kepada siswa mengingat persaingan global yang berkembang pesat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu bahan ajar berupa e-book berbasis HOTS pada materi pembelahan sel, serta mendeskripsikan kelayakan e-book berdasarkan hasil validitas, kepraktisan dan efektifitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Validitas e-book ditinjau berdasarkan kelayakan isi, kelayakan penyajian, dan kelayakan kebahasaan. Adapun hasil validasi e-book menunjukkan skor rata-rata yaitu 3,84 dengan kategori sangat valid. Kepraktisan e-book ditinjau berdasarkan hasil uji keterbacaan, respon siswa dan respon guru. Hasil uji keterbacaan menunjukkan e-book sesuai digunakan siswa kelas XII SMA. Respon siswa dan respon guru terhadap e-book menunjukkan hasil sangat positif dengan persentase secara berurutan yaitu 95,8% dan 100%. E-book dinyatakan efektif untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi dengan persentase ketuntasan indikator sebesar 87,14%.
Kata Kunci : e-book, keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi, pembelahan sel.
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are important to be trained in students because the developing of global competition rapidly. Based on this, conducted the research development which was aimed to produce e-book based on HOTS in cell division topic and describing properness of the e-book from its validity, practicality and effectiveness. This type of the research was ADDIE development model which has five steps, analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The validity of e-book was reviewed from content properness, presentation properness, and linguistic properness. The results of the validation showed the average value was 3,84 with very valid category. The practicality of e-book was reviewed from readability, student’s responses, and teacher’s response. The results of the readability showed that the e-book was suitable for use by students of grade XII. The student’s responses and teacher’s response werw very positive with percentages in sequence are 95,8% and 100%. E-book was declared effective to train high order thinking skills with a percentage of indicators completeness was 87,14%.
Keywords : e-book, high order thinking skills, cell division.