Analysis of the Video "Introduce Yourself in German" as Additional Teaching Material for Speaking Skills for Class X Students in Semester I
Berbicara merupakan ekspresi dari pikiran atau perasaan yang disampaikan secara lisan. Oleh karenanya keterampilan berbicara penting dikuasai bagi pembelajar bahasa Jerman. Dalam keterampilan berbicara Redemittel diperlukan sebagai pedoman berbicara. Namun bagi peserta didik, berbicara adalah keterampilan yang sulit, sehingga dibutuhkan bahan ajar yang mampu meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara. Pada era sekarang, internet telah berkembang dan menyediakan berbagai alternatif bahan ajar yang bisa digunakan dalam pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman. Easy German merupakan situs youtube yang menyediakan video berbahasa Jerman mulai tingkat A1 hingga C2 dengan beragam materi pembelajaran dan dapat diakses oleh pembelajar diseluruh dunia. Video tingkat A1 dalam situs youtube Easy German dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar tambahan. Terdapat video yang bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran bahasa Jerman kelas X dalam situs Easy German, yaitu tiga seri video kennenlernen berjudul Introduce Yourself in German. Namun sebelum menggunakan video tersebut, perlu dilakukan analisis kesesuaian materi dengan kurikulum yang berlaku agar diketahui kelayakannya. Rumusan masalah pada artikel ini adalah bagaimana kesesuaian materi Redemittel video Introduce Yourself in German sebagai bahan ajar tambahan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman kelas X semester 1. Tujuan dari artikel ini yaitu mendeskripsikan kesesuaian Redemittel dalam video Introduce Yourself in German sebagai bahan ajar keterampilan berbicara kelas X semester 1. Artikel ini disusun dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data pada artikel ini adalah tiga seri video Introduce Yourself in German. Data dalam artikel ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis kesesuaian materi Redemittel berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 dan silabus kelas X semester 1. Berdasarkan analisis kesesuaian materi, didapatkan hasil bahwa ketiga video Introduce Yourself in German sesuai dengan kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar dan kurikulum 2013. Sehingga video Introduce Yourself in German dapat dijadikan bahan ajar tambahan peserta didik kelas X semester 1
Speaking skill become the expression of thought and feeling that are conveyed orally. Therefore, the skill of speaking is important to be mastered by the learner of German language. In speaking skill, Redemittel is needed as a speaking guide. However, for student, speaking is a difficult skill, so teaching materials are needed that can improve speaking skills. In this era, internet has developed and provided various alternatives of teaching materials that can be used in teaching speaking German. Easy German is a YouTube site that provides videos in German language from A1 level until C2 with various learning materials and it is able to be accessed by learners in the world. The A1 video from youtube site of Easy German can be used as an alternative of teaching material. There are videos that can be used for learning German class X on the Easy German site, namely three video series entitled Introduce Yourself in German. However, before using the video, it is needed to analyze the suitability of the material with the applicable curriculum in order to know the eligibility. The research problem in this article is how the appropriateness of the Redemittel in the video “Introduce Yourself in German” as additional teaching material for German speaking skill for class X first semester. The objective of this article is to describe the suitability of Redemittel in the video “Introduce Yourself in German” the teaching material of speaking skill of class X first semester. This article is composed with qualitative approach. The data source of this article is three video series “Introduce Yourself in German”. The data collection technique of this article is the documentation method and then anlayzed for the suitability of the Redemittel material based on curriculum 2013 for class x first semester. Based on the analysis of the suitability of the material, it was found that the three videos “Introduce Yourself in German” was in accordance with the selection criteria for teaching materials and the 2013rd curriculum. Therefore, video “Introduce Yourselfin German” can be used as the additional teaching material for students of class X first semester.