Antosianin dalam Produksi Fermentasi dan Perannya sebagai Antioksidan
Anthocyanin in Fermentation Product and The Function as Antioxidants
Antosianin merupakan senyawa flavonoid larut dalam air, berada dalam bentuk aglikon sebagai antosianidin. Antosianin banyak terdapat di alam baik terkandung di dalam buah, daun ataupun bunga. Antosianin memiliki manfaat biologis salah satunya sebagai antioksidan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kestabilan senyawa ini ialah pH, suhu dan enzim polifenol oksidase (PPO), sehingga aktivitas antioksidannya juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang mempengaruhi kestabilan antosianin. Beberapa penelitian proses fermentasi bakteri asam laktat (BAL) terbukti menurunkan pH serta menghambat aktivitas enzim PPO sehingga meningkatkan kestabilan antosianin serta meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan. Artikel review ini membahas tentang struktur, stabilitas antosianin, aktivitas antioksidan antosianin, dan pengaruh fermentasi terhadap kestabilan antosianin.
Kata Kunci: Antosianin, Antioksidan, Bakteri Asam Laktat
Anthocyanin is derivative compound of flavonoid which is soluble in water, its the form of aglycone as anthocyanidin.. Anthocyanins are abundant in nature both contained in fruit, leaves or flowers. Anthocyanin has biological benefits, one of which is an antioxidant. However, the stability of anthocyanin compounds is depend by several factors such as pH, temperature, and the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO), so that its antioxidant activity is also depend by factors that increase the stability of anthocyanin. Several studies have shown that the fermentation process by lactic acid bacteria can reduce pH and inhibit the activity of PPO enzymes, thereby increasing the stability of anthocyanin and increasing antioxidant activity. This article discusses the structure, stability, antioxidant activity of anthocyanin, and the effect of fermentation on the stability of anthocyanin.
Keywords: Anthocyanins, Antioxidant, Lactic Acid Bacteria