Penerapan Teknik Kolase Pada Seni Lukis Berbahan Alam Dengan Tema Flora Fauna Di SMP Negeri 7 Surabaya
Application Of Collage Techniques In Painting Made From Nature With The Theme Of Flora And Fauna At SMP Negeri 7 Surabaya
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya eksplorasi bahan dalam karya seni siswa di SMP Negeri 7 Surabaya. Untuk mengasah kreativitas dan minat siswa dalam seni rupa, digunakan bahan alam seperti daun dan ranting kering sebagai media kolase dengan tema flora fauna. Penggunaan bahan alami ini diharapkan dapat menambah variasi dalam karya seni siswa, mengembangkan keterampilan praktis, dan meningkatkan apresiasi terhadap lingkungan.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran penerapan teknik kolase pada seni lukis berbahan alam dengan tema flora fauna, mendeskripsikan hasil karya yang dihasilkan, serta mendeskripsikan tanggapan siswa dan guru terhadap penerapan teknik kolase tersebut di SMP Negeri 7 Surabaya.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang meliputi wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dengan guru seni rupa, dokumentasi, dan angket siswa untuk mengidentifikasi tanggapan siswa setelah berkarya kolase berbahan alam dengan tema flora fauna. Validitas data diuji menggunakan triangulasi untuk memastikan kesesuaian antara hasil observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan angket.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran teknik kolase sangat efektif. Proses pembelajaran terdiri dari tiga pertemuan. Pertemuan pertama, siswa belajar teknik kolase dan membuat sketsa dengan tema flora dan fauna menggunakan bahan alam. Pertemuan kedua, mereka melanjutkan pembuatan karya dengan pengawasan peneliti. Terakhir pertemuan ketiga, siswa menyelesaikan karya kolase dan menilai hasilnya melalui angket. Dari 34 siswa kelas VIII-A, enam karya kolase berhasil diciptakan. Penilaian karya menunjukkan bahwa empat kelompok memperoleh nilai antara 95-100 dalam kategori "Sangat Baik" dan dua kelompok memperoleh nilai antara 89-94 dalam kategori "Baik". Respons siswa dan guru terhadap penggunaan daun kering dalam kolase sangat positif, dengan siswa merasa kreativitas dan pemahaman mereka dalam seni rupa meningkat. Guru juga melihat bahwa metode ini efektif dalam meningkatkan minat siswa terhadap seni dan apresiasi terhadap lingkungan.
Kata Kunci : Bahan alam, Seni lukis, Kolase, Flora Fauna
This research was motivated by the lack of exploration of materials in student artwork at SMP Negeri 7 Surabaya. To hone students' creativity and interest in fine arts, natural materials such as dry leaves and twigs are used as collage media with the theme of flora and fauna. The use of natural materials is expected to add variety to students' artwork, develop practical skills, and increase appreciation for the environment.
The purpose of this study is to describe the learning process of applying collage techniques in painting made from natural materials with the theme of flora and fauna, describe the resulting works, and describe the responses of students and teachers to the application of collage techniques at SMP Negeri 7 Surabaya.
The research method used is qualitative with data collection techniques including interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaires. Data were collected through observation, interviews with fine arts teachers, documentation, and student questionnaires to identify student responses after creating collages made from natural materials with the theme of flora and fauna. Data validity was tested using triangulation to ensure compatibility between the results of observations, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires.
The results showed that the collage technique learning process was very effective. The learning process consisted of three meetings. The first meeting, students learned collage techniques and sketched with the theme of flora and fauna using natural materials. In the second meeting, they continued making the artworks under the supervision of the researcher. Finally, in the third meeting, students completed the collage work and assessed the results through a questionnaire. Out of 34 students in class VIII-A, six collage works were successfully created. The assessment of the works showed that four groups scored between 95-100 in the "Very Good" category and two groups scored between 89-94 in the "Good" category. Student and teacher responses to the use of dried leaves in collage were very positive, with students feeling that their creativity and understanding in fine arts improved. Teachers also saw that this method was effective in increasing students' interest in art and appreciation of the environment.
Keywords: Natural materials, Painting, Collage, Flora and Fauna