Tradhisi Ulur-Ulur ing Tlaga Buret, Desa Sawo, Kecamatan Campurdarat, Kabupaten Tulungagung
The Ulur-Ulur Tradition in Buret Lake, Sawo village, Campurdarat district, Tulungagung regency
Nama : Muhammad Fajar Assidiqi
NIM : 16020114002
Prodi/Jurusan : S-1 Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah
Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Yohan Susilo,S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Tahun : 2020
Tradisi Ulur-Ulur yaitu berupa ritual wujud syukur masyarakat yang ada di Telaga Buret menggunakan benda patung jumlahnya dua sebagai Jaka Sedana dan Dewi Sri. Tujuannya supaya Telaga Buret sumber airnya tetap asri dan bisa digunakan masyarakat sekitar untuk mengaliri sawah dan kegiatan sehari-hari. Rumusan masalah yaitu 1) Bagaimana sejarah TUU di Telaga Buret, 2) Bagaimana urutan acara TUU, 3) Apa saja ubarampe didalam TUU, 4) Bagaimana makna ubarampe didalam TUU, 5) Bagaimana aspek fungsi didalam TUU, 6) Bagaimana wujud perubahan TUU. Manfaat didalam penelitian, menambah wawasan mengenai TUU, melestarikan kebudayaan Jawa TUU, bisa dokumentasi kepada masyarakat supaya lebih menjaga, mengetahui perubahan TUU sebagai pembeda jaman dulu dan sekarang.
Tradisi Ulur-Ulur ditintingi menggunakan tintingan folklor. Bersambungan dengan makna dan simbol dari tradisi menggunakan teorinya Tunner. Analisis fungsi Tradisi Ulur-Ulur sesambungan sama teori dari Bascom dan Alan Dundes dan disambungkan dengan kebudayaan oleh Koentjaraningrat. Kalau perubahan tradisi menggunakan teori oleh Sukarman. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriftif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian, primer yaitu TUU berupa tindakan dan obrolan hasil wawancara langsung. Sedangkan sekunder yaitu dokumentasi foto, video, buku-buku, dst. Data penelitian berwujud perkataan, kalimat, gambar, dan wacana. Hasilnya penelitian menyuguhkan sejarah dari TUU, tata urut TUU, ubarampe dan maknanya, aspek fungsi dari TUU, dan wujud perubahan dari TUU. Urut-urutan dimulai dari prmukaan, arak-arakan, ritualan, penutupan. Ubarampe digunakan TUU yaitu Mule metri, pupusing puspa arum, maesagung, kelemahan (pala pendem), beras kuning, boreh wangi, mori, pari, cok bakal, sajen, dupa, mahkota.
Kata Kunci: Folklor, Tradisi, Ulur-Ulur
Name : Muhammad Fajar Assidiqi
Reg. Number : 16020114002
Study Program : S-1 Regional Language and Literature Education
Faculty : Language and Art
Institution : Surabaya State University
Advisor : Yohan Susilo,S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Year : 2020
The Ulur-Ulur tradition is in the form of a ritual of gratitude for the people in Lake Buret using two statues as Jaka Sedana and Dewi Sri. The goal is to make Buret Lake its water source still beautiful and can be used by the surrounding community to flow through the rice fields and daily activities. The formulation of the problem are 1) What is the history of TUU in Telet Buret, 2) How is the order of TUU events, 3) What are the ubarampe in TUU, 4) What is the meaning of ubarampe in TUU, 5) What is the function aspect in TUU, 6) How is the change in TUU. The benefits in this research are to add insight into TUU, preserve TUU's Javanese culture, be able to document to the public so that they are more caring and knowing about transformation in TUU as a differentiator of the past and present.
The Ulur-Ulur tradition is surrounded by folklore tintingan. It is continued with the meanings and symbols of the tradition using Tunner's theory. The analysis of the function of the Stance Tradition corresponds to the theories of Bascom and Alan Dundes and is connected with culture by Koentjaraningrat. The change of tradition uses theory by Sukarman. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The source of research data, primary is TUU in the form of actions and chat results of direct interviews. While the secondary is the documentation of photos, videos, books, etc. The data of research is in form of words, sentences, images, and discourse. The results of the study presented the history of TUU, the sequencing of TUU, ubarampe and their meanings, aspects of the function of TUU, and the manifestation of changes in TUU. The sequence starts from the surface, the procession, the ritual, the closure. Ubarampe is used by TUU, namely Mule Metri, Pupusing Puspa Arum, Maesagung, Weakness (Nutmeg Pendem), Yellow Rice, Fragrant Borih, Mori, Stingray, Cocoa, Cocoa, offerings, incense, crown.
Keywords: Folklore, Tradition, Ulur-Ulur