The Role Of The Village Government In Shaping
Awareness Of Labor Social Security (Jamsostek) For Informal Sector Workers In
The Socorejo Village, Jenu District, Tuban Regency
Name : Maulidya
Study Program : S1 PPKn
Major : PMP-Kn
Faculty : Ilmu Sosial
dan Hukum
Name of Institution : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Supervisor : Agus Satmoko Adi, S.S,
This study aims to
explain the role of the Village Government in shaping awareness of labor social
security (Jamsostek) for informal sector workers in the Socorejo Village, Jenu
District, Tuban Regency. The approach used in this research is qualitative with
descriptive research type. The theory used in this study is the role theory of
Biddle & Thomas. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews,
and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the role of the
Village Government in shaping Social Security awareness in the informal worker
community of Socorejo Village was carried out in various ways, including
forming a shield agency as a Social Security agent in Socorejo Village,
disseminating information on each RT, making sponsorship on Social Security,
making innovations for premium payments , perform services to coercion. The
impact of the existence of the Social Security program carried out by the
Socorejo Village Government is the informal workers who were previously unaware
of and were not aware of the importance of the Social Security program
benefits, finally their awareness to participate in the Social Security program
has been formed. This is proven by the willingness of all Socorejo Village
informal workers to register with the Jamsostek program through a shield agent
in his village. The way the Socorejo Village Government did in shaping Social
Security awareness on informal workers, can be said to be successful, because
it can cover all informal sector workers in a program organized by BPJS
Keywords :
Village Government Role, Social Security Awareness, Informal Workers