Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Mocaf dan Penambahan Puree Bunga Telang Terhadap Sifat Organoleptik Roti Kukus
The Effeck Of Mocaf Flour Subtitution and addition Of Temple Flower Puree On The Organoleptic properties Of Steam Bread
Roti kukus dengan substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan puree bunga telang merupakan roti kukus yang berbahan dasar tepung terigu dan disubstitusikan dengan tepung mocaf dan ditambahkan dengan puree bunga telang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan puree bunga telang terhadap mutu organoleptik roti kukus yang meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur.
Jenis penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Eksperimen dilaksanakan dengan enam macam perlakuan yang terdiri dari substitusi tepung mocaf 20%, 30%, dan 40% serta penambahan puree bunga telang sebanyak 30% dan 40%. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen berupa uji organoleptik meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur roti kukus dengan enam perlakuan yang berbeda. Analisis data ynag digunakan yaitu analisis varian dua jalur dan uji lanjut Duncan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) substitusi tepung mocaf berpengaruh terhadap kriteria bentuk, warna, dan tekstur. 2) penambahan puree bunga telang berpengaruh terhadap kriteria bentuk, warna, rasa, dan tekstur. 3) interaksi antara substitusi tepung mocaf dan penambahan puree bunga telang berpengaruh terhadap kriteria bentuk dan tekstur.
Kata Kunci: roti kukus, bunga telang, tepung mocaf
Steamed bread with the substitution of mocaf flour and the addition of butterfly pea flower puree is a steamed bread made from wheat flour and substituted with mocaf flour and added with butterfly pea flower puree. This research aims to determine the effect of mocaf flour substitution and the addition of butterfly pea flower puree on the organoleptic quality of steamed bread which includes shape, color, smell, taste and texture.
This type of research is a type of experimental research. The experiment was carried out with six types of treatments consisting of 20%, 30% and 40% mocaf flour substitution and the addition of 30% and 40% butterfly pea flower puree. The data collection technique uses instruments in the form of organoleptic tests including shape, color, aroma, taste and texture of steamed bread with six different treatments. The data analysis used was two-way analysis of variance and Duncan's advanced test.
The results of the research show 1) the substitution of mocaf flour has an effect on the criteria for shape, color and texture. 2) the addition of butterfly pea flower puree affects the criteria for shape, color, taste and texture. 3) the interaction between the substitution of mocaf flour and the addition of butterfly pea flower puree affects the shape and texture criteria.
Keywords: steamed bread, butterfly pea flower, mocaf flour