Power Installation Engineering at SMK Negeri 7 Surabaya provides basic lessons
about electric lighting. In practicum learning activities carried out, it is
still not optimal and effective. This can be seen from the lack of
understanding of students to realize the theory given in the practicum carried
out. Based on the results of observations made at SMK Negeri 7 Surabaya,
especially in the Electrical Installation Engineering Department, it was found
that during the learning process students were still not actively involved, did
not understand the theory of the practicum that had been done. In addition, the
learning model that is often applied is the Project Based Learning learning
model. However, in fact the ability of students in theory is still not optimal,
especially practical abilities. Therefore, the learning model used does not
only focus on practice but also emphasizes theory to improve student competency.
This study aims to determine the effect of critical thinking skills and PjBL
learning models on improving learning outcomes of electric lighting
installation for class IX TITL students of SMK Negeri 7 Surabaya.
this study using the type of Pre-Experimental research, aims to determine the
increase in student learning outcomes on critical thinking skills and the
application of Project Based Learning. The study used the Non-Equivalent
Control Group Pretest-Posttest form, with purposive random sampling. This
research was conducted at SMK Negeri 7 Surabaya, Department of Electrical
Installation Engineering, with a population of students at SMK Negeri 7
Surabaya, Class XI TITL Electrical Installation Engineering Expertise Program
and two classes were selected at random. The data collection technique used is
the test method, student responses, and observation. The data analysis
technique uses quantitative analysis.
results of the first hypothesis were obtained, namely a significance value of
<0.05, with a significance 0.001. In the second hypothesis, the significance
value is <0.05, with a significance 0.033. In the third hypothesis, the
significance value is >0.05, with a significance 0.141. So it can be
concluded that there is an influence of the Project Based Learning learning
model assisted by the E-Job Sheet and the Project Based Learning learning model
without the E-Jobsheet on student learning outcomes in the subject of electric
lighting installation, there is an influence on learning outcomes between
students who have high critical thinking skills and low critical thinking
skills in electric lighting installation subjects, and there is nothing interaction
between project based learning models assisted by E-Jobsheets and project based
learning without E-Jobsheets on learning outcomes in terms of students'
critical thinking skills in class electric lighting installation subjects XI
TITL SMK Negeri 7 Surabaya.
thinking, electric lighting installation, learning outcomes, project based