At present, Japanese learning in
high school still does not apply Japanese literature in its curriculum. In
fact, literature is also an important insight in learning a language. Based on
that fact, interesting literary learning media is needed to attract students'
interest in Japanese literature.
This research has two problem statements,
namely how the development process of the 2-dimensional animation film media to
understand the background settings in Hyakunin Isshu and how the feasibility of
2-dimensional animated film media to understand the background settings of Hyakunin
Isshu. Based on the two problem statements above,
this research entitled "Media Development of 2 Dimensional Animated Films
for Understanding the Background Settings in Japanese Poetry Autumn’s Hyakunin
Isshu by Fujiwara no Teika" was done to increase interest from Japanese
language learners and to produce an interactive learning media for Japanese
This research was carried out in Surabaya State
High School 19 because of it’s many Japanese language classes and X IPS 3 have adequate
class facilities. The research method used in this research is the method of
research and development. In the research phase several stages were carried out
before entering the development stage, namely knowing the potential and
problems and collecting data by conducting pre-research questionnaires in class
X IPS 3 and unstructured interviews with Japanese language teachers in 19th
Surabaya State High School. The data used for media material were collected
from the autumn poems of Hyakunin Isshu which were analyzed to find out the
place, time and socio-cultural background to be used in 2-dimensional animated
film media, after the data was collected, product design, design validation,
design revision, test the product in product trial at class X IPS 3 by distributing
student response questionnaires, and for the last stage of development is
product revisions.
Based on the results of the research
conducted, the 2-dimensional animation film media is feasible to understand the
background settings in the Japanese poetry of Autumn’s Hyakunin Isshu because
in the development process, this media received 86.4% of the student
questionnaire responses and 70% of media experts and 95% of material experts shows
a very strong interpretation score of the Likert scale score.
The advice given in conducting research and
development of learning media for Japanese literature is to pay attention to
the facilities at the research site, in this case the class that will be used
in your research. Secondly, paying close attention to the literary analysis in
order to not give a wrong understanding of the meaning of the literary works
that used in your research.
Media development, Animation film media, Hyakunin Isshu’s background settings.