Strategy of Formal Education Institutions in Improving School Branding During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Adanya Pandemi Covid-19 dan pemberlakuan kebijakan sistem Pemberlakuan Pembatasan
Kegiatan Masyarakat oleh pemerintah berdampak pada semua bidang termasuk dunia
pendidikan. Adanya kondisi yang demikian menjadikan kegiatan operasional pada
pendidikan diselenggarakan secara jarak jauh melalui daring agar pemenuhan kebutuhan
pendidikan tetap berjalan. Dalam rangka untuk dapat bersaing secara sehat di pasaran dan
diterima oleh masyarakat membuat lembaga pendidikan formal membutuhkan strategi dalam
meningkatkan school branding. Metode yang digunakan pada artikel ini adalah
menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan (library research) melalui studi pustaka yang
memiliki hubungan dengan kajian teoritis serta beberapa referensi dari literatur ilmiah. Hasil
dari jurnal dan buku yang telah dilakukan telaah ditemukan bahwa strategi lembaga
pendidikan formal membutuhkan manajemen humas dalam meningkatkan school branding
pada masa pandemi covid-19 ini sebagai alat penyalur komunikasi efektif sekolah kepada
The existence of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the implementation of the government's policy
on the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions have an impact on all fields,
including the world of education. The existence of such conditions makes operational
activities in education held remotely via online so that the fulfillment of educational needs
continues. In order to be able to compete fairly in the market and be accepted by the
community, formal educational institutions need strategies to improve school branding. The
method used in this article is to use the library research method through library research
which has a relationship with theoretical studies as well as several references from the
scientific literature. The results of the journals and books that have been studied have found
that the strategy of formal educational institutions requires public relations management in
improving school branding during the COVID-19 pandemic as a means of channeling
effective school communication to the community.