Drug abuse is an
extraordinary crime and has reached an alarming situation. The development of
circulation and drug use has shown that drugs have threatened the future
viability of the younger generation. Prevention and eradication of drug abuse
and trafficking (P4GN) are policies and strategies made by the government in
efforts to combat the dangers of drugs. In implementing the P4GN policy, the
government issued Presidential Instruction (Presidential Instruction) number 6
of 2018 concerning the implementation of the P4GN. The purpose of this study is
to describe the implementation of the P4GN policy in Tulungagung Regency.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. This method aims to obtain an overview to understand and explain the implementation of the P4GN policy. The focus of this study is the size and objectives of policies, resources, characteristics of implementing agents, disposition of implementors, communication between implementers, and social, political and economic environments. The data analysis technique is done through four stages, namely data reduction, data display, verification and conclusion. Overall , the policies implemented still have shortcomings in the implementation process, from the resource indicators still found to be lack of human resources from the implementers of the policy, the Tulungagung District National Narcotics Agency (BNNK), but the source of funds is sufficient. The size and objectives of this policy are also quite clear and support the implementation process of the Policy for the Implementation of the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Circulation (P4GN), thus facilitating the implementation process. In the indicators of the characteristics of the implementing agency, an understanding of the roles and tasks of the Tulungagung District Narcotics Agency (BNNK), CSOs, NGOs and the community as implementing agents has been well understood. Communication indicators between organizations also have problems, namely coordination between the Tulungagung District National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) and other policy implementers in carrying out the activities, there are problems in determining the time. One of the indicators that has been running very well is from the attitude or tendency of the executor, where the implementer understands the policy so that the process of implementation is well implemented. The political, social and economic environment also plays a major role where social environmental conditions are motivated by social life that can make an increase in drug abuse. Support from other parties, namely from the Government of Tulungagung Regency who are still less committed in implementing the P4GN policy.
Suggestions in this study are the addition of human resources, namely drug educators to improve socialization that is still lacking from the National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) and implementers must be able to manage time and coordination time well so that the implementation of the policy can run well.