Optimalisasi Penggunaan Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW) Pada Tower Magna One Surabaya Terhadap Beban Gempa
Optimizing the Use of Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW) at Tower Magna One Surabaya Against Earthquake Loads
Tower Magna One Surabaya merupakan gedung yang memiliki dua fungsi bangunan Low Zone Office dan High Zone Apartement dengan perkuatan struktur menggunakkan CSW berbentuk Core Wall.Penelitian ini menganalisa Optimalisasi penggunaan SPSW pada Tower Magna One Surabaya terhadap beban gempa. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan secara observasi eksperimental menggunakkan pendeketan kuantitatif. Pemodelan dilakukan menggunakkan program SAP 2000 V22. Hasil penambahan struktur SPSW dengan pengaku kolom WF 500x200x10x16 dan balok WF 500x200x10x16 memberikan kekakuan terhadap Tower Magna One Surabaya sehingga Max Displacement yangdihasilkan lebih kecil sebesar 40.9 mm dibandingkan dengan CSW sebesar 41.2 mm. Struktur SPSW mampu mengurangi Base Shear Reaction arah x dan arah y sebesar 60%. Struktur SPSW mampu menerima gaya aksial lebihbesar dibandingkan dengan CSW. Variasi ketebalan pelat SPSW minimum sebesar 10 mm pada Tower Magna One Surabaya. Penggunaan SPSW dengan tebal pelat SPSW 10 mm mampu memberikan kekuatan sebanding dengan CSW ketebalan 50 cm, dan SPSW dapat mengurangi massa struktur sebesar 9,3 % dibandingkan dengan CSW.
Kata Kunci: CSW, Gaya Geser, Simpangan, SPSW.
Tower Magna One Surabaya is a building that has two functions: Low Zone Office building and High Zone Apartment with structural reinforcement using CSW in the form of Core Wall. This study analyzes the optimization of the use of SPSW at Tower Magna One Surabaya against earthquake loads. The implementation of the research was carried out by experimental observation using a quantitative approach. Modeling is done using the SAP 2000 V22 program. The results of the addition of the SPSW structure with column stiffeners WF 500x200x10x16 and WF beams 500x200x10x16 provide rigidity to Tower Magna One Surabaya so that the resulting Max Displacement is 40.9 mm smaller compared to CSW of 41.2 mm. The SPSW structure can reduce the Base Shear Reaction in the x and y directions by 60%. The SPSW structure is able to accept greater axial forces compared to CSW. Variation of minimum SPSW plate thickness of 10 mm at Tower Magna One Surabaya. The use of SPSW with SPSW plate thickness of 10 mm is able to provide strength comparable to CSW with a thickness of 50 cm, and SPSW can reduce the mass of the structure by 9.3% compared to CSW.
Keywords: CSW, Deviation, Shear Force, SPSW.