This study aims to explore the concept of
elementary school mathematics geometry contained in Mojokerto batik motifs and
how the teacher's opinion the results of exploration geometric concepts in
Mojokerto batik as a source of learning mathematics in elementary schools. This
research uses multiparadigm, including postmodernism, criticalism,
and interpretivism which are transformative qualitative research. The data
collection used in this research is Writing Critical Auto|Ethnography Inquiry,
Writing as Inquiry, and Postmodern Interview. The results of research data
collection obtained 9 types of Mojokerto batik motifs which will be explored
for the geometric concepts. This study resulted in
the concept of elementary school mathematics geometry in Mojokerto batik motifs
including points, straight lines, curved lines, zigzag lines, parallel lines,
acute angles, obtuse angles, right angles, triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoids
, circle, oval, and folding symmetry. According to the teacher's opinion,
the geometric concepts found in Mojokerto batik motifs can be used as an
interesting learning resource as well as educating and enriching literacy about
local culture.
Keywords: ethnomathematics, elementary school
geometry concepts, Mojokerto batik