This research is to produce
a valid smart relay control trainer kit that is used with the help of ZelioSoft
software. Knowing the validity of the smart relay control trainer kit and
Jobsheet developed, knowing the effectiveness and improvement of affective,
psychomotor, and cognitive learning outcomes of students after treatment of the
smart relay control trainer kit and students' responses to the ZelioSoft
software-assisted smart relay control Trainer Kit SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya.
The type of research used is
Research and Development (R&D). The research design used is one group
pretest-posttest. This research was conducted on students of class XI TITL-3
SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya as an experimental class.
Data were collected using
questionnaire techniques and tests. Data analysis techniques are descriptive
quantitative on media validity, paired sample t-test test to determine the effectiveness
of pretest-posttest learning outcomes, N-Gain test is conducted to determine
the improvement of student learning outcomes based on the gain scale, and
student responses.
Based on the results of the
study, it shows that [1] the smart relay control trainer kit and Jobsheet
developed with the help of ZelioSoft software meet very valid criteria with the
average percentage results of validation by expert lecturers and expert
teachers of 84%, 83% Jobsheet validation results, 85.5% smart relay control
trainer validation results, and the results of validation of affective,
psychomotor, and cognitive pretest-posttest learning outcomes instruments of
85.5%, validation of student response instruments of 86.5%.
[2] The results of the
research on the smart relay control trainer kit developed with the help of
ZelioSoft software show that the effectiveness of the learning outcomes of
students in class XI TITL 3 is 0.000 sig (p value ≤ 0.05) and the average
increase in affective student learning outcomes in high n-gain criteria of
0.736 g, psychomotor learning outcomes in high n-gain criteria of 0.753 g, and
cognitive learning outcomes in high n-gain criteria of 0.715 g, the average
increase in the three domains of student learning outcomes in high n-gain
criteria of 0.734g.
[3] On the results of the
response of students in class XI TITL 3 for the smart relay control trainer kit
in the very good category with a percentage of 85.7%.