Pengembangan Desain Hanfu Sebagai Inspirasi Penciptaan Busana Pengantin Wanita
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui proses dan hasil jadi pengembangan desain hanfu sebagai inspirasi penciptaan busana pengantin wanita. Metode yang digunakan adalah Three stage design process, yang terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu problem definition & research, creative exploration, dan implementation. Metode pengumpulan data berupa penilaian pengembangan desain menggunakan lembar penilaian dengan jumlah penilai sebanyak 4 dosen ahli dibidang tata busana. Instrumen lembar penilaian disusun berdasarkan kriteria pengembangan desain busana pengantin yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata berdasarkan kategori aspek penilaian. Hasil penelitian menyatakan 1) Proses pencarian sumber ide pada tahap problem definition menentukan hanfu sebagai sumber inspirasi yang dituangkan pada moodboard. Pada tahap creative exploration dilakukan pengembangan desain sesuai dengan sumber inspirasi. Tahap implementation penerapan ragam hias pada pengembangan desain busana pengantin wanita. 2) Hasil pengembangan desain hanfu sebagai inspirasi penciptaan busana pengantin wanita mencapai rerata nilai akhir 85 termasuk dalam kategori baik.
The research objective was to determine the finished results of the development design of hanfu as inspiration for the creation of bridal clothing. The method used is a three design process, which consist of 3 stages, namely problem definition & research, creative exploration, and implementation. The method of data collection is in the form of an assessment of design development sheet with 4 assessors as expert lecturers in the field of fashion. The assessment was compiled based on the criteria for developing a dress design which was then analyzed using a descriptive method by calculating the average value based on the category of assessment aspects. The result of the study stated that 1) The process of finding the source of ideas at the problem definition stage determined Hanfu as a source of inspiration which was pored on the moodboard. In the creative exploration stage, design development is carried out according to the source of inspiration. The implementation stage of the application of decoration in the development of the bride’s design. 2) The results of the development design of hanfu as inspiration for the creation of Bridal clothing reached an average final score of 85 which was included in the good category.