This research was conducted due
to results of observations during learning management program (PPP) activities
in Vocatinal High School 1 Jatirejo Mojokerto and supported by teacher need
assessment sheets, the observation showed there were several problems in the
class XI Electrical Lighting Installation lessons such learning process still
on a teacher centered, board was the dominant media which was used during the
learning process, and students’ learning resources only in the form of
notebooks. Because some of these factors, the result of the students’ learning
outcomes, especially in electrical lighting installations subject was not maximum or not reached the KKM score yet.
By developing a practicum module
for students based on the PBI model and scientific approach which known as an
independent teaching material and a student centered learning process, it was
expected to provide solutions in order
to improve student learning outcomes.
research was research development by method Research and Development (R&D)
type which used 7 steps of research, those are: 1) potential and problems, 2)
data collection, 3) product design, 4) design validation, 5) product revision,
6) product trials, and 7) analysing and reporting. The trial design which was used
on this research was one group pretest and posttest design.
Moreover, the results of this study showed that the
feasibility of PBI model-based practicum module with a scientific approach ,
which was seen from the validity aspect was declared highly valid with
92.85%, the practicality aspect in terms
of the implementation of learning was stated to be very implemented with
91.10%, then aspects of effectiveness in terms of students’ responses and
students’ learning outcomes.
Students’ responses to the learning proccess which used
modules obtained 93.87% so it can be categorized very well. While for students’
learning outcomes tests there was an increasng started from 52.13 to 84, the
results of the t test showed a significance value of = 0.000 with a
significance level of α = 0.05. Thus it means that there was a significant
increasing in learning outcomes. So the learning proccess which used the
developed modules can be categorized very effective. Because of PBI model-based practicum modules with a
scientific approach are very valid, practical, and effective, they were very
feasible to use in learning process.
Keywords: Practicum module, PBI,
Scientific Approach, Electrical Lighting Installation.