Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Open-Ended Ditinjau dari Self-Concept
Students' Mathematical Representation Ability in Solving Open-Ended Problems Based on Self-Concept
Penelitian ini merupakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menguraikan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal open-ended ditinjau dari self-concept siswa. Tiga siswa kelas XI sebagai subjek pada penelitian dipilih dengan metode pemilihan subjek secara purposive sampling. Tes self-concept berbentuk kuesioner, tes kemampuan representasi matematis berupa soal open-ended, serta pedoman wawancara digunakan sebagai instrumen pada penelitian ini. Subjek dipilih pada awal penelitian menggunakan tes self-concept, berikutnya subjek diberikan tes soal open-ended dan selanjutnya dilakukan wawancara. Perolehan data dianalisis melalui metode analisis data dengan langkah pengumpulan informasi, penyajian informasi, serta pengambilan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa subjek dengan kategori self-concept tinggi, yang memiliki pandangan sangat positif terhadap kemampuan yang dimilikinya, mampu memunculkan tiga bentuk representasi pada langkah menyusun rencana penyelesaian yaitu representasi visual, representasi simbolik, dan representasi verbal ketika diberikan soal berbentuk open-ended. Kemudian subjek dengan kategori self-concept sedang yang memiliki pandangan cukup positif terhadap kemampuan yang dimilikinya, mampu memunculkan dua bentuk representasi pada langkah menyusun rencana penyelesaian yaitu representasi visual dan representasi simbolik serta pada langkah melaksanakan rencana penyelesaian yaitu representasi simbolik dan representasi verbal ketika diberikan soal berbentuk open-ended. Sedangkan subjek dengan kategori self-concept rendah yang memiliki pandangan negatif terhadap kemampuan yang dimilikinya, mampu menunjukkan dua bentuk representasi pada langkah menyusun rencana penyelesaian yaitu representasi visual dan representasi simbolik ketika diberikan soal berbentuk open-ended.
This research is a qualitative descriptive analysis that aims to describe students' mathematical representation abilities in solving Open-Ended questions in terms of students' Self-Concepts. Three students of class XI as subjects in the study were selected by purposive sampling method of subject selection. The Self-Concept test is in the form of a questionnaire, the mathematical representation ability test is in the form of Open-Ended questions, and interview guidelines are used as instruments in this study. Subjects were selected at the beginning of the study using the Self-Concept test, then the subject was given an open-ended test and then an interview was conducted. Data acquisition was analyzed through data analysis methods with steps of gathering information, presenting information, and drawing conclusions and verification. The results of the analysis show that subjects with a high self-concept category, who have a very positive view of their abilities, are able to bring up three forms of representation in the step of preparing a settlement plan, namely visual representations, symbolic representations, and verbal representations when given open-ended questions. Then the subject with the moderate self-concept category who has a fairly positive view of his abilities, is able to bring up two forms of representation at the step of preparing a settlement plan, namely visual representation and symbolic representation and in the step of implementing the completion plan, namely symbolic representation and verbal representation when given a question in the form of open-ended. Meanwhile, subjects with low self-concept categories who have a negative view of their abilities are able to show two forms of representation in the step of preparing a settlement plan, namely visual representations and symbolic representations when given open-ended questions.