Nama Fita Apsari
NIM 15050443024
Program Studi DIII Tata Boga 2015
Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
Fakultas Fakultas Teknik
Nama Lembaga Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Dosen Pembimbing Dra. Suhartiningsih, M.Pd
Permen keras berlapis ganache jahe merupakan jajanan yang disukai oleh semua kalangan. Jahe memiliki kandungan gizi yang baik untuk tubuh namun memiliki rasa pedas yang tidak banyak disukai sehingga untuk mengatasinya dilakukan penambahan ganache untuk mengurangi rasa pedas dari jahe tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1 tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap aroma, warna, bentuk, tekstur dan rasa dari permen 2 kandungan gizi dari permen keras berlapis ganache jahe 3 harga jual dari permen keras berlapis ganache jahe.
Jenis penilitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan metode rekayasa yang dilakukan selama 3 kali di Laboratorium Pangan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Penambahan lapisan ganache jahe sebanyak 20g. Pengambilan data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan jumlah panelis sebanyak 30 orang. Uji kandungan terhadap karbohirat, lemak, kadar sakarosa dan kadar air dilakukan menggunakan uji laboratorium.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kesukaan terhadap permen keras berlapis ganache jahe warna sebesar 3,9 suka aroma sebesar 3,6 suka, bentuk sebesar 3,36 suka, tekstur sebesar 3,56 suka dan rasa sebesar 3,56 suka. Kandungan gizi dari permen keras berlapis ganache jahe terdiri dari kalori 375,8%, lemak 0,96%, karbohidrat 93,8 %, protein 1,65%, jahe 3,8%, sakarosa 43,9% dan kadar air 2,65%. Harga jual permen keras berlapis ganache jahe sebesar Rp. 17.500 per pack 140g.
Katakunci: permen keras, jahe, ganache.
Making Hard Candy with Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Ganache Coated
Name Fita Apsari
Study Program DIII Culinary
Major Family Welfare Education
Faculty Engineering
Name of Institution Surabaya State University
Supervisor Dra. Suhartiningsih, M.Pd
Hard candy with ginger ganache coated is a snack that is loved by all circles. Ginger has a good nutritional content for the body but has a spicy taste that is not much liked, so to overcome this the addition of ganache is done to reduce the spicy flavor of the ginger. This study aims to determine 1 the level of panelists' preference for the aroma, color, shape, texture and taste of sweets 2 the nutritional content of ginger ginger-coated hard candy 3 the selling price of ginger ginger-coated hard candy.
This type of research is an experiment with an engineering method carried out for 3 times in the Food Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya. Add 20 g of ganache layer. Retrieval of data using observation sheets with the number of panelists as many as 30 people. The content test for carbohirat, fat, saccharose content and water content was carried out using laboratory tests.
The results showed that the level of preference for hard candy with ginger ganache coated color was 3,9 likes aroma 3,6 likes, shape was 3,36 (likes), texture was 3,56 likes and taste was 3, 56 likes. The nutritional content of hard candy with ginger ganache coated consists of calories 375.8%, fat 0.96%, carbohydrates 93.8%, protein 1.65%, ginger 3.8%, saccharose 43.9% and water content 2, 65%. The selling price of hard candy with ginger ganache coated is Rp. 17,500 per pack 140g.
Keywords: hard candy, ginger, ganache.