Calculation of Productivity and Operational Costs of Tower Crane (Case Study of X Hospital Project)
Proyek pembangunan di Indonesia telah mengalami pertumbuhan pesat. Proyek Rumah Sakit X merupakan salah satu proyek bangunan gedung yang berada di Kota Sidoarjo. Proyek Rumah Sakit X dibangun dengan luas bangunan 14.330 m2 dan memiliki 6 lantai + lantai atap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis material apa saja yang diangkat oleh tower crane, produktivitas tower crane, dan biaya operasional tower crane pada Proyek Rumah Sakit X. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data primer terdiri dari observasi dan dokumentasi secara langsung di lapangan berupa jenis material, volume material, waktu siklus, dan perhitungan produktivitas tower crane. Sedangkan pengumpulan data sekunder berupa studi literatur seperti data umum proyek, spesifikasi tower crane, dan biaya operasional tower crane. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan beberapa jenis material yang diangkat oleh tower crane yaitu besi tulangan, besi UNP, besi hollow, plywood, suri-suri, tie rod + wing nut, push pull, bucket concrete, bekisting, scaffolding, pipa support, pipa galvanis, kaso, klam balok, klam kolom, hanging formwork, mesin las, kompresor, sengkang, kawat bendrat, dan rangkaian tulangan. Produktivitas rata-rata tower crane selama 14 hari observasi pada Proyek Rumah Sakit X adalah 5,984.39 Kg/Jam. Sedangkan biaya operasional tower crane selama 14 hari yaitu sebesar Rp. 60,256,000.
Construction projects in Indonesia have experienced rapid growth. The X Hospital project is one of the building projects located in Sidoarjo City. The Hospital X project is built with a building area of 14,330 m2 and has 6 floors + roof floor. This study aims to determine what types of materials are lifted by tower cranes, tower crane productivity, and tower crane operating costs on the X Hospital Project. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Primary data collection consists of direct observation and documentation in the field in the form of material type, material volume, cycle time, and calculation of tower crane productivity. While secondary data collection is in the form of literature studies such as general project data, tower crane specifications, and tower crane operating costs. From the research results, several types of materials were obtained that were lifted by the tower crane, namely reinforcing iron, UNP iron, hollow iron, plywood, suri-suri, tie rod + wing nut, push pull, bucket concrete, formwork, scaffolding, support pipes, galvanized pipes, rafters, beam clamps, column clamps, hanging formwork, welding machines, compressors, stirrups, bendrat wire, and reinforcement circuits. The average productivity of the tower crane during 14 days of observation on the X Hospital Project was 5,984.39 Kg/Hour. While the operational cost of the tower crane for 14 days is Rp. 60,256,000.