Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Flipbook Maker Pada Mata Pelajaran Tata Hidang American Service Di SMKN 8 Surabaya
Development of Flipbook Maker-Based Learning Media in the Subject of American Service Administration at SMKN 8 Surabaya
This research is a media development research
flipbook maker-based learning that aims to
know: 1) Appropriateness of American Service materials in the media
flipbook based learning; 2) American media appropriateness
Service on flipbook-based learning media; 3) Response
students to learning media. American Service based
flipbook. Research using the development model. 4-D
with stages consisting of 1) Define; 2)
Planning (design); 3) Development (develop); 4)
Dissemination (dissimilate). Data collected by instrument
research consisting of: 1) Validation sheet for assessment
material feasibility from material experts; 2) Validation sheet for
assessment of the feasibility of media products from media experts; 3) Questionnaire
to see student responses. Media dissemination is done to
35 students of class XI majoring in Catering at SMKN 8 Surabaya. Technique
data analysis was carried out in a quantitative descriptive manner
percentage. The results of the research show the results of the feasibility validation
material gets a percentage. 93% with very category
good/decent, media feasibility validation gets a percentage of 83%
with the feasible category and the results of the student response questionnaire got
percentage of 91% with very good/decent category. Based on
the results of research and discussion can be concluded media
learning material based on American Service's flipbook maker
proper to use. In further research, it is necessary
pay attention to the design and attractiveness of the presentation of the material so that the media
flipbook learning is appropriate and can be used effectively
sustained by students.