Analisis Perbedaan Teknik Rias Pengantin Modern Natural Look Di Hamaya Wedding Gallery Dan Maellafh Make up
Analysis Of Differences In Modern Natural Look Bridal Make up Techniques At Hamaya Wedding Gallery And Maellafh Make up
Seiring perkembangan zaman, tata rias pengantin juga mengalami kemajuan atau perkembangan inovasi, salah satunya yaitu pada rias wajah pengantin. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu: 1) mengetahui perbedaan teknik rias wajah pengantin modern natural look di Hamaya Wedding Gallery dan Maellahf Make up, di tinjau dari efisiensi teknik yang di gunakan, hasil rias wajah pengantin, keserasian make up dan busana pengantin. 2) untuk mengetahui respon konsumen terhadap hasil rias pengantin modern natural look di Hamaya Wedding Gallery dan Maellahf Make up. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu Deskriptif, Kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian terdiri dari: 1) analisis; 2) wawancara; 3) dokumentasi. Hasil yang di perolah dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) perbedaan teknik rias wajah pengantin modern natural look di Hamaya Wedding Gallery dan Maellahf Make up yaitu terletak pada saat melakukan teknik pemilihan dan pengaplikasian foundation, eyeshadow, bulu mata dan lipstik, adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan tersebut yaitu setiap perias atau MUA (make up artist) memiliki cara dan sumber yang berbeda dalam mempelajari teknik rias wajah pengantin modern natural look baik secara offline maupun online. (2) respon konsumen terhadap hasil rias pengantin modern natural look di Hamaya Wedding Gallery dan Maellahf Make up Hamaya Wedding Gallery mendapatkan sedikit saran dari kerabat terdekat sedangkan Maellahf Make up mendapat pujian tentang hasil make up nya, hal ini pasti akan berubah ubah dari setiap pengantin, Fokus utama dari perias atau MUA (make up artist) dalam pengerjaan make up adalah membuat pengantin menjadi puas dengan jasa yang telah mereka sewa.
Kata Kunci: perbedaan teknik, respon konsumen, rias pengantin modern natural look.
Along with the times, bridal makeup has also progressed or developed innovations, one of which is in bridal makeup. This research has the following objectives: 1) to know the differences in modern natural look bridal makeup techniques at Hamaya Wedding Gallery and Maellahf Make up, in terms of the efficiency of the techniques used, the results of bridal makeup, the harmony of makeup and bridal clothing. 2) to know the consumer response to the results of modern natural look bridal makeup at Hamaya Wedding Gallery and Maellahf Make up. This type of research is Descriptive, Qualitative by using research methods consisting of: 1) analysis; 2) interview; 3) documentation. The results obtained from this study are: (1) the difference in modern natural look bridal makeup techniques at Hamaya Wedding Gallery and Maellahf Make up is located when performing the technique of selecting and applying foundation, eyeshadow, eyelashes and lipstick, as for the factors that influence these differences, namely each makeup artist or MUA (make up artist) has different ways and sources in learning modern natural look bridal makeup techniques both offline and online. (2) consumer response to the results of modern natural look bridal makeup at Hamaya Wedding Gallery and Maellahf Make up Hamaya Wedding Gallery gets a little advice from the closest relatives while Maellahf Make up gets praise about the results of his make up, this will definitely change from each bride, The main focus of the makeup artist or MUA (make up artist) in the make up process is to make the bride and groom satisfied with the services they have hired.
Keywords: different techniques, consumer response, modern natural look bridal makeup