Kelayakan modul ajar kompetensi sanitasi hygiene dan keselamatan kerja bidang kecantikan di smk 1 praya
Feasibility of the teaching module for the competence of sanitation, hygiene and work safety in the beauty sector at SMK 1 Praya
Penerapan modul ini sebagai media pembelajaran bagi peserta didik tata kecantikan SMK dapat memainkan peran penting dilakukan sebagai pemandu bagi guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga iinteraks kegiatan pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul pembelajaran keterampilan kebersihan dan keselamatan kerja bidang kecantikan SMK 1 Praya meliputi 1) keterbacaan dan kemudahan membaca modul, 2) konsistensi isi dan judul modul, 3) membantu peserta didik mempelajari dan menguasai tingkat informasi dalam materi pembelajaran (mudah dipahami), 4) mudah didigunakan, Tampilan keseluruhan modul. Jenis metode penelitian ini mengadopsi penelitian pengembangan dan mengadopsi model desain empat dimensi, termasuk empat tahap definisi, desain, pengembangan dan diseminasi. Metode pengumpulan datanya ialah dengan melakukan survei angket terhadap 23 narasumber melalui Google yaitu dosen program pembelajaran kecantikan, pengajar kecantikan kulit dan rambut, mahapeserta didik tata rias, dan penata rias. Menggunakan metode analisis data deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Hasilnya ialah 1) Keterbacaan modul diperoleh nilai rata-rata 78,2% dengan criteria baik, 2) Kesesuaian isi dengan judul modul didapat nilai rata-rata 95,7% dengan criteria sangat baik, 3) Modul Ajar yang disajikan100% menurut narasumber menilai cukup informatif dan sangat informatif, 4) Modul dinilai aplikatif dengan nilai 100%, 5) Tampilan modul secara keseluruhan mendapat nilai 87%. Dapat disimpulkan modul sanitasi hygiene termasuk dalam kategori baik. Kata
Kunci: Modul Ajar, Sanitasi Hygiene, four-D Design.
The application of the module as a learning medium for students of Vocational Beauty Cosmetology is very important to do as a guide between teachers and students in carrying out the learning process, so that the interaction of learning activities can be carried out properly. The application of the module as a learning medium for students of skin and hair beauty is very important to guide between teachers and students in the learning process, to implement the interaction of learning activities correctly. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning modules for skills and work safety in the beauty sector of SMK 1 Praya, including 1) readability and ease of reading modules, 2) consistency of content and module titles, 3) helping students learn and master the information in learning materials (easy to use). Reachable 4 easy to use, and 5) overall appearance of the module. This type of research method uses development research with a 4-dimensional (four-dimensional) design model, which consistsof four stages, namely: definition, design, development, and dissemination. The data collection method is by conducting a survey of 23 sources through Google, namely lecturers of the beauty learning program, lecturers of skin and hair beauty, students of makeup students, and makeup artists. Using descriptive andquantitative data analysis methods. The results are 1) The reading module has an average score of 78.2% with good criteria, 2) In accordance with the module title, an average value of 95.7% is obtained with very good criteria, 3) The teaching module presented 100% according to the informants considered quite informative andvery informative, 4) The module is rated as applicable with a score of 100%, 5) The overall appearance of the module gets a score of 87%. It can be said that thehygiene sanitation The module is included in the good category. Keywords: Hygiene Sanitation, Teaching Module, Four-D Design.