Pemahaman mendengarkan adalah keahlihan reseptif yang menuntut siswa untuk mengerti dan memahami bahasa yang diucapkan dengan mendengarkannya. Mendengarkan melibatkan intonasi, tekanan, struktur gramatikal, mengenali suara ucapan, latar belakang, dll. Semua aspek harus diperhatikan oleh siswa EFL. Beberapa murid yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing masih mempunyai kesulitan dalam memahami semua aspek tersebut. Dengan adanya kesulitan tersebut, siswa harus menemukan strategi mendengarkan yang sesuai agar lebih efektif dalam mendengarkan.
Listening comprehension is receptive skills which require students to understand and make sense of spoken language by hearing it. Listening deals with intonation, stress, grammatical structure, recognize speech sounds, background knowledge, etc. Those aspects of listening should be paid attention by EFL students. Some EFL students still have difficulties in dealing with those aspects. They lack of attention and knowledge during listening English conversation, etc. By looking at the problem, EFL students have to find out listening strategies that appropriate to make listening effectively. There are three listening strategies which can be applied by EFL students; metacognitive listening strategies, cognitive listening strategies and socio-affective listening strategies.
The aims of this research are to know how much metacognitive listening strategies used by EFL students in State University of Surabaya, how much cognitive listening strategies used by EFL students in State University of Surabaya and how much socio-affective listening strategies used by EFL students in State University of Surabaya. In this research the researcher used quantitative design and survey research to find out the result. The subjects of this research were 46 students of academic listening class A and listening class B. The instrument that researcher used was listening strategies questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to know how much EFL students in State University of Surabaya used those three listening strategies: cognitive listening strategies, metacognitive listening strategies and socio-affective listening strategies. Based on the result, by looking at the mean value the listening strategies which frequently used by students were metacognitive listening strategies (M= 3.73) consists of directed attention (M= 4.60), selective attention (M= 4.34) and relaxing (M= 4.08). The second listening strategies followed by cognitive listening strategies (M= 3.66) were mostly used by EFL students in State University of Surabaya. These were personal experience (M= 4.21), listening key word (M= 4.10) and taking note (M= 4.08). Last, socio-affective strategies (M= 3.55) which frequently used by EFL students were listening someone else (M= 4.10) and self-encouragement (M= 3.78).