Di satu sisi, pekerjaan kusir dokar terancam punah lantaran tergolong pekerjaan yang berat dan tidak semua orang mau melakukan pekerjaan tersebut. Kebudayaan dan juga bahasa dari komunitas tersebut atau register juga terancam akan punah. Di sisi lain, kontak bahasa dalam konteks masyarakat multilingual juga berpotensi menimbulkan gejala pergeseran bahasa termasuk register kusir dokar yang pekerjaannya adalah melayani wisatawan dari berbagai daerah. Penelitian ini betujuan (1) mendeskripsikan bentuk, fungsi dan makna kusir dokar di Wisata Religi Sunan Giri; (2) mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pergeseran kusir dokar di Wisata Religi Sunan Giri; dan (3) mendeskripsikan pola pergeseran register kusir dokar di Wisata Religi Sunan Giri. Dengan menggunakan teori register bahasa dari Halliday dan teori pergeseran bahasa dari Holmes, penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) bentuk register komunitas kusir dokar di Wisata Religi Sunan Giri terdiri dari register selingkung terbuka dan selingkung terbatas. Dalam bentuk lingualnya, register tersebut telah terdapat register kategori perdokran dan non perdokaran. Sementara fungsi register cenderung mempunyai fungsi personal dan interaksional; 2) Pola pergeseran register tersebut terlihat melalui proses morfologis dan fonologis melalui proses adaptasi, metatesis, afiksasi, monoftongisasi dan epentesis; 3) Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran register sesuai dengan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Holmes, yaitu faktor migrasi, sosial dan ekonomi. Pergeseran register tersebut juga mempunyai dampak positif dan negatif.
On the one hand, the coachmen job is threatened with extinction because it is a tough job and not everyone wants to do the job. The culture and language of these communities or registers are also threatened with extinction. On the other hand, language contact in the context of a multilingual society also has the potential to cause symptoms of language shift, including the register of coachmen whose job is to serve tourists from various regions. This study aims to (1) describe the form, function and meaning of the coachman at Sunan Giri Religious Tourism; (2) knowing what factors influence the shift of the coachman in Sunan Giri Religious Tourism; and (3) describe the pattern of shifting registers for the coachman at Sunan Giri Religious Tourism. By using the language register theory from Halliday and the language shift theory from Holmes, the research concludes that: 1) the form of registers for the coachman community at Sunan Giri Religious Tourism consists of open and limited envelope registers. In its lingual form, the register contains a register for the category of ‘perdokaran’ and ‘non-perdokaran’ categories. Meanwhile, the register function tends to have a personal and interactional function; 2) The register shift pattern is seen through morphological and phonological processes through adaptation, metathesis, affixation, monophthongization and epenthesis processes; 3) The factors that cause the register shift are in accordance with the theory put forward by Holmes, namely migration, social and economic factors. Shifting the register also has positive and negative impacts.