Hamidah, Lilik. 2019. Influence Of
Role Playing Methods And Cooperation Skill For Student’s Study In Theme 8 “My
Home Environment” For Fourth Class Of MI Ar Rohman Sidoarjo . Thesis, Department
of Basic Education,
Postgraduate Program, State
University of Surabaya, Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr.
Mustaji, M.Pd., dan (2) Dr. M. Jacky, M.Si.
Keywords: Role Playing, Coorperation Skill,
of educator's efforts to improve student learning outcomes and to improve
student cooperation skills in the learning process, in order to achieve high
learning outcomes was by using the Role Playing method. Preliminary
observations made on the learning of fourth grade students at MI Ar Rohman
Sidoarjo, showed that the methods used in learning proved to be ineffective.
The lack of Educators knowledge in using methods were lso still fixed on the lecture only.
Researchers were interested in using the Role Playing method to help students understand
the material convered the teacher. Students also had the skills to work
together in teams to have good social relations with their peers. This study aimed
to increase student learning increase student learning result using the Role
Playing method and students cooperation skill
in the theme of the 8 areas where I live in IV MI.
research was conducted at MI Ar Rohman in Bangah village, Gedangan
sub district, Sidoarjo regency in the second semester of school year 2018-2019.
The research samples were IVA class as the experimental class and IVB class as
the control class. Instruments used in this study were form of
validation sheets, observation sheets for social attitudes, spiritual
attitudes, student response questionnaires to learning, cooperative
questionnaires, and student learning outcomes tests.
results showed that the Role Playing method and work skills had an effect on
student learning Outcomes. It could be
seen from the achievement of students average results before using the Role
Playing method, student cooperation skills got 64.4 but after getting method, student
results of the average student got 87.6 . Compared to the results of the average
control class, students’ score before learning were 60.2 and after learning got
an average score of 74.8. It could e
concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So that the results of this
study, there were a significant influence on the students’ learning
outcomes between the lessons using the lecture method and learning using the
Role Playing method and cooperation skills. Based on the results of the students’
posttest scores, it obtained an increase by applying the role playing method
and cooperation skills. While the student posttest results when learning took
place using only the lecture method did not have a significant difference with
the posttest results.