MAKING OF SPRINK SAMBAL TUNA (Ethynnus affinis) AND BASIL (Ocimum sanctum)
Sambal Tabur Ikan Pindang Tongkol dan Kemangi adalah produk olahan sambal kering yang memiliki citarasa pedas yang memiliki bahan utama ikan pindang tongkol dan kemangi. Tujuan rekayasa untuk mengetahui: 1) formula sambal tabur ikan pindang tongkol dan kemangi; 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap variasi sambal tabur ikan pindang tongkol dan kemangi meliputi warna, rasa, aroma, dan tekstur; 3) kandungan gizi sambal tabur ikan pindang tongkol dan kemangi meliputi energi, protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin A, vitamin E, asam folat, vitamin C, kalsium, dan fosfor; dan 4) harga jual sambal tabur ikan pindang tongkol dan kemangi per 100 g. Penelitian ini termasuk rekayasa menggunakan metode uji coba. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi melalui uji hedonik dari 30 panelis tidak terlatih dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar observasi bentuk check list. Teknik analisis data uji hedonic menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pesentase. Analisis nilai nutrisi menggunakan perhitungan daftar komposisi bahan makanan (DKBM) dan aplikasi nutrisurvey, dan harga jual dengan metode konvensional dengan penetapan keuntungan 40%. Hasil dari rekayasa menunjukkan: 1) formula terbaik berasal dari penggunaan: pindang tongkol 300 g, kemangi 70 g, cabe rawit 45 g, cabe merah 30 g, daun salam 2 g, daun jeruk 2 g, lengkuas 4 g, serai 5 g, bawang merah 50 g, bawang putih 30 g, garam 20 g, dan gula 50 g; 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis yang menyatakan suka terhadap aspek warna 15 panelis (50%), aspek aroma 20 panelis (67%), aspek tekstur 15 panelis (50%), dan aspek rasa 23 panelis (77%). 3) kandungan gizi sambal tabur ikan pindang tongkol Energi 765,9 kkal, lemak 12,3 g, protein 81,5 g, karbohidrat 96,5 g, vitamin A 2239,7 mg, asam folat 166,3 mg, vitamin C 91,2 mg, vitamin E 4,6 mg, kalsium 259,2 mg, fosfor 817,3 mg; dan 4) harga jual per 100 g Rp 25.500.
Sambal Tabur Pindang Ikan Tuna and Basil are processed products from dried chili sauce that have a spicy flavor that has main ingredients such as tuna and basil. The purpose of the trial is to find out: 1) the sambal sowing formula of cob and basil boiled fish; 2) the level of panelists' preference for the variation of the tuna and basil boiled sambal sauce including color, taste, aroma, and texture; 3) the nutritional content of sambal, tuna, basil, and basil include energy, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamin A, vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus; and 4) the selling price of sambal sowing tuna and basil per 100 g. This research includes engineering using a trial method. Data collection was carried out by the method of observation through a hedonic test of 30 untrained panelists using an observation sheet checklist form instrument. The hedonic test data analysis technique uses quantitative descriptive with percentages. Nutritional value analysis uses the calculation of the list of food ingredients (DKBM) and the application of nutrisurvey, and the selling price using conventional methods with a determination of profit of 40%. The results of the trial show: 1) the best formula comes from the use: boiled cobs 300 g, basil 70 g, cayenne pepper 45 g, red chili 30 g, bay leaf 2 g, orange leaf 2 g, galangal 4 g, lemongrass 5 g , 50 g shallot, 30 g garlic, 20 g salt, and 50 g sugar; 2) the level of preference for panelists who said they liked the color aspect of 15 panelists (50%), the aroma aspect of 20 panelists (67%), the texture aspect of 15 panelists (50%), and the taste aspect of 23 panelists (77%). 3) the nutritional content of sambal sowing tuna fish Energy 765.9 kcal, 12.3 g fat, protein 81.5 g, carbohydrates 96.5 g, vitamin A 2239.7 mg, folic acid 166.3 mg, vitamin C 91 , 2 mg, vitamin E 4.6 mg, calcium 259.2 mg, phosphorus 817.3 mg; and 4) the selling price per 100 g of Rp. 25,500.