The Result of Liquid Organic Fertilizer Made from Lamtoro Leaves, Leri Water, and Coconut Fiber on the Growth of Land Kale Plants (Ipomoea reptans Poir.)
Daun lamtoro, air leri, dan sabut kelapa merupakan bahan dan limbah organik dengan kandungan unsur hara makro juga mikro, sehingga dapat dipergunakan menjadi bahan dasar pupuk organik cair. Adanya penelitian ini bertujuan diketahuinya kadar unsur hara POC dan pengaruh pemberiannya, serta konsentrasi paling optimal terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Rancangan penelitian yang dipergunakan ialah RAK (Rancangan Acak Kelompok) satu faktor, yakni POC pada berbagai konsentrasi. Konsentrasi terdiri atas lima, yakni P0 = pupuk anorganik; P1 = 10% POC; P2 = 20% POC; P3 = 30% POC; dan P4 = 40% POC, serta lima pengulangan pada setiap perlakuan. Parameter pertumbuhan tanaman yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah dan panjang daun, serta biomassa basah tanaman. Analisis data secara statistik menggunakan uji ANOVA satu arah dan berlanjut uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan unsur hara POC berbahan dasar daun lamtoro, air leri, dan sabut kelapa adalah N 0.92%; P 0.01%; K 0.23%; rasio C/N 6.5; dan Fe 128.65 mg/kg. Terdapat pengaruh pemberian POC berbahan dasar daun lamtoro, air leri, dan sabut kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat. Di antara empat konsentrasi POC, konsentrasi paling optimal ialah 40% pada seluruh parameter pertumbuhan yang meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah dan panjang daun, serta biomassa basah tanaman. Namun, hasil dari perlakuan P0 (anorganik) masih lebih tinggi dari perlakuan POC.
Lamtoro leaves, leri water, and coconut fiber are organic material and wastes with macro and micro nutrients, so they can be used as basic ingredients for liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). The existence of this research aims to know the nutrient content of LOF and the effect of its administration, as well as the most optimal concentration on the growth of land kale plants. The research design used is RGD (Randomized Group Design) one factor, namely LOF at various concentrations. The concentration consisted of five, namely P0 = inorganic fertilizer; P1 = 10% LOF; P2 = 20% LOF; P3 = 30% LOF; and P4 = 40% LOF, and five repetitions in each treatment. Plant growth parameters measured were plant height, number and length of leaves, and plant wet biomass. Data were statistically analyzed used one-way ANOVA test and continued Duncan's test. The results showed that the nutrients of LOF with lamtoro leaves, leri water, and coconut fiber were N 0.92%; P 0.01%; K 0.23%; C/N ratio 6.5; and Fe 128.65 mg/kg. There was an effect of application of LOF based on lamtoro leaves, leri water, and coconut fiber on the growth of land kale plants. Among the four LOF concentrations, the most optimal concentration was 40% on all growth parameters including plant height, number and length of leaves, and plant wet biomass. However, the results of the P0 (inorganic) treatment were still higher than the LOF treatment.