Suryono, Wiwid. 2018. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Teknik Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Yang Berbeda, Disertasi, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Promotor Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd, dan Co.Promotor Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Kata-kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer, Hasil Belajar Fisika Teknik, dan Gaya Belajar.
Penelitian ini untuk mengkaji (1) pengaruh model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap hasil belajar konsep, (2) pengaruh model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap hasil belajar prosedural, (3) pengaruh gaya belajar visual, auditori dan kinestetik terhadap hasil belajar konsep, (4) pengaruh gaya belajar visual, auditori dan kinestetik terhadap hasil belajar prosedural (5) interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar konsep, (6) interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar prosedural.
Metode penelitian inilah adalah quasi eksperimental dengan desain faktorial 2 x 3 x 2. dan yang digunakan adalah analisis dengan Multivariate Analisis of Variance (MANOVA). Subjek penelitian sejumlah 144 taruna Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya angkatan 2017 terdiri dari enam kelas dengan rincian tiga kelas eksperimen dan tiga kelas kontrol.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada pengaruh model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap hasil belajar konsep, (2) ada pengaruh model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap hasil belajar prosedural, (3) tidak ada pengaruh gaya belajar visual, auditori dan kinestetik terhadap hasil belajar konsep, (4) tidak ada pengaruh gaya belajar visual, auditori dan kinestetik terhadap hasil belajar prosedural, (5) ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar konsep. Adapun jika dilihat dari ketiga gaya belajar tidak menunjukkan interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar konsep ( F Hitung (0.495) < F tabel (3.13), dan (6) ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar prosedural. Adapun jika dilihat dari ketiga gaya belajar tidak menunjukkan interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar prosedural ( F Hitung (1.155) < F tabel (3.13).
Suryono, Wiwid. 2018. The Effect of Computer Assisted Learning Strategy on Learning Outcomes of Engineering Physics Viewed From Different Learning Styles, Dissertation, Study Program of Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Promotor Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd, and Co.Promotor Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Key Words: Computer Assisted Learning Strategy, Learning Outcomes of Engineering Physics, and Learning Styles.
This study is to examine (1) the effect of the application of computer assisted learning models to the results of conceptual learning, (2) the effect of applying computer-assisted learning models to procedural learning outcomes, (3) the influence of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles on conceptual learning outcomes ) the influence of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles on procedural learning outcomes (5) the interaction between learning models and learning styles towards conceptual learning outcomes, (6) interaction between learning models and learning styles on procedural learning outcomes.
This research method is quasi-experimental with a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial design and what is used is an analysis with Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The subjects of the study were 144 cadets Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya 2017, consisting of six classes with details of three experimental classes and three control classes.
The results showed that (1) there was an effect of the application of computer assisted learning models to the results of concept learning, (2) there was the effect of applying computer-assisted learning models to procedural learning outcomes, (3) there was no influence of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles on learning outcomes concept, (4) there is no influence of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles on procedural learning outcomes, (5) there is an interaction between learning models and learning styles towards the results of conceptual learning. The views of the three learning styles do not show an interaction between learning models and learning styles towards concept learning outcomes (F Calculate (0.495) <F table (3.13), and (6) there is an interaction between learning models and learning styles towards procedural learning outcomes. The views of the three learning styles do not show an interaction between learning models and learning styles on procedural learning outcomes (F Calculate (1.155) <F table (3.13).