Analisis kebutuhan merupakan studi awal bagi peneliti yang bertujuan untuk mengamati permasalahan yang ada di sekolah, dimana siswa terbilang sulit memahami materi karena kurangnya alat peraga yang dimiliki sekolah, oleh karenanya diperlukan media trainer yang dapat mempermudah siswa dalam penguasaan materi. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mewujudkan media pembelajaran trainer yang layak. Metode ADDIE digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yang meliputi (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, dan (5) Evaluation. Dimana One-Shot Case Study sebagai desain penelitian yang digunakan. Pengujian produk dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI Teknik Komputer Jaringan SMKN 1 Gondang, dengan siswa berjumlah 35. Data penelitian didapatkan dari validasi dua dosen Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan satu guru Teknik Komputer Jaringan SMKN 1 Gondang, keefektifan media bisa dilihat dari hasil akhir belajar siswa dan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepraktisan media dapat dilihat dari hasil angket respon siswa. Berdasasrkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, media mendapatkan validitas 88,63% sangat valid. Nilai akhir siswa mendapatkan rata-rata nilai 86,9 dimana nilai diolah secara statistic dengan hasil diterimanya H1 atau dapat di artikan rata-rata nilai akhir siswa di atas KKM, dalam hal ini media dinyatakan efektif. Hasil respon siswa mendapatkan nilai 94,32%, dapat diartikan media yang digunakan sangat praktis untuk pembelajaran. Sehingga disimpulan bahwa produk media pembelajaran berupa Trainer Instalasi Perangkat Pasif Jaringan Fiber Optic sangat layak digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran khususnya dalam praktikum mata pelajaran Teknologi Jaringan Berbasis Luas. Kata Kunci: Validasi, Efektif, Jobsheet, Trainer
Needs analysis is a preliminary study for researchers who aim to observe problems that exist in schools, where students find it difficult to understand the material because of the lack of teaching aids that the school has, therefore a media trainer is needed that can make it easier for students to master the material. The research conducted aims to create a proper instructor learning media. The ADDIE method is used in this study, which includes (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. Where One-Shot Case Study as the research design used. Product testing was carried out on class XI students of Network Computer Engineering at SMKN 1 Gondang, with a total of 35 students.The research data was obtained from the validation of two lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya and one teacher of Network Computer Engineering at SMKN 1 Gondang, the effectiveness of the media can be seen from the final results of student learning. and to determine the level of media practicality can be seen from the results of student response questionnaires. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the media has a validity of 88.63% which is very valid. The final score of the students got an average value of 86,9 where the scores were processed statistically with the results of the acceptance of H1 or it could be interpreted that the average final score of the students was above the KKM, in this case the media was declared effective. The results of student responses get a value of 94.32%, which means that the media used is very practical for learning. So it is concluded that the learning media product in the form of a Fiber Optic Network Passive Networking Device Installation Trainer is very suitable for the learning process, especially in the field-based laboratory technology subject. Keywords: Validity, Effectiveness, Trainer, Jobsheet.