Kualitas fisik mempengaruhi performa atlet gulat dalam proses meraih prestasi. Seorang pegulat yang
memiliki kualitas fisik yang baik akan sangat menunjang dalam proses pencapaian prestasi. Selain
menguasai teknik dan taktik terdapat beberapa komponen kualitas fisik yang harus diperhatikan bagi
olahragawan gulat. Berikut komponen kualitas fisik yang paling dominan pada olahraga gulat
diantaranya: kekuatan, kelentukan, kecepatan, kelincahan, dan daya tahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui kualitas fisik pada atlet gulat Puslatda Jawa Timur 100/IV Tahun 2021, dan untuk
mengetahui komponen kondisi fisik yang telah mencapai kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan. Jenis data yang
digunakan adalah data primer dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif yang
menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan
teknik penelitian Populasi, yaitu seluruh atlet Gulat Puslatda menjadi sampelnya yang berjumlah 17 atlet.
Hasil rata-rata item tes atlet gulat diantaranya item tes single leg squat (left) 0,8 (27%), single leg squat
(right) 1,9(63,33%), hamstring 1,63(54,33%), Russian twist 7,78(77,80%), Square jump 3,9(13%), Clean
and press 80kg(66,67%), Deadlift 140kg(74,47%), Bronco 4,84(80,67%), Medicine ball 7,48(74,80%),
Sit up 32,45(59%), Sprint 20meter 2,35(78,33%), Sit and reach 16,72(83,60%), Upper flexibility back
3(20%), Upper flexibility right 4(26,67%), Upper flexibility left 9(60%), Ankle flexibility right
14,09(93,93%), Ankle flexibility left 13,27(88,47%), Juggling ball 3,9(6,50%). Dengan demikian
menunjukkan bahwa atlet gulat Puslatda Jawa Timur 100/IV tahun 2021 belum mencapai target yang
ditentukan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pelatihan
fisik. Berdsarkan hasil dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan: Kualitas fisik atlet gulat kurang karena belum
memenuhi target tes. Komponen kualitas fisik yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah komponen kelentukan,
dimana kelentukan merupakan aspek penting bagi seorang pegulat. Serta komponen daya tahan perlu
dilakukan maintenance agar tetap pada kondisi yang prima (pick performance) pada pertandingan.
Kata Kunci: Gulat, Kondisi Fisik, Puslatda Jatim 2021.
Physical quality affects the performance of wrestling athletes in the process of achieving achievements.
A wrestler who has good physical qualities will greatly support the process of achievement. In addition to
mastering techniques and tactics, there are several components of physical quality that must be
considered for wrestling athletes. The following components of the most dominant physical qualities in
wrestling include: strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and endurance.This study aims to determine the
physical quality of wrestling athletes at the Central Java 100/IV 2021 Central Java Province, and to
determine the components of the physical condition that have reached the predetermined criteria. The
type of data used is primary data and the research design used is descriptive research using a quantitative
descriptive approach, sampling in this study using population research techniques, namely all Puslatda
Wrestling athletes as the sample, totaling 17 athletes. The average results of wrestling athlete tes item
include single leg squat (left) 0,8 (27%), single leg squat(right) 1,9(63,33%), hamstring 1,63(54,33%),
Russian twist 7,78(77,80%), Square jump 3,9(13%), Clean and press 80kg(66,67%), Deadlift
140kg(74,47%), Bronco 4,84(80,67%), Medicine ball 7,48(74,80%), Sit up 32,45(59%), Sprint 20meter
2,35(78,33%), Sit and reach 16,72(83,60%), Upper flexibility back 3(20%), Upper flexibility right
4(26,67%), Upper flexibility left 9(60%), Ankle flexibility right 14,09(93,93%), Ankle flexibility left
13,27(88,47%), Juggling ball 3,9(6,50%). Thusshowing that the athletes Wrestling Puslatda East Java
100/IV 2021 had not reached the specified target influenced by several factors, one of the contributing
factors was the lack of physical training. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded: The
physical quality of wrestling athletes is lacking because they have not met the test target. The component
of physical quality that needs to be improved is the component of flexibility, where flexibility is an
important aspect for a wrestler. As well as the durability component, maintenance needs to be done to
keep it in excellent condition (pick performance) in the match.
Keywords: Wrestling, Physical Condition, Puslatda Jatim 2021.