Suatu kalimat dapat dimaknai secara tekstual dan kontekstual Tindak tutur ilokusi representatif adalah tuturan dimana penutur mengatakan hal yang dianggapnya benar Dalam suatu kalimat juga terdapat bagian yang menunjukkan sikap penutur terhadap kalimat yang diucapkan bagian ini disebut dengan modalitas Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh deskripsi tentang
A sentence can be interpreted textually and contextually Representative illocutionary speech acts are speeches in which the speaker says things he thinks are true In a sentence there is also a section that shows the attitude of the speaker to the sentence spoken this section is called modality The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of
1 the form of modalities in representative illocutionary speech acts in the light novel Highschool DXD volume 1 by Ichiei ishibumi and
2 the type of modality in representative illocutionary speech acts in the light novel Highschool DXD volume 1 by Ichiei ishibumi
To answer the first problem using the theory of grammatical categories according to Supardjo and the modalities according to Nitta While the second problem uses Matsuoka's theory
This research method is qualitative descriptive according to Sudaryanto The data was collected by the skillful listening technique and note taking technique The instrument used in data collection is a data card Data analysis was carried out using sloping techniques and substitution techniques according to Sudaryanto
This study found 18 data from Lighnovel Highschool DXD volume 1 The results showed that
1 there are 10 forms of modalities in representative illocutionary speech acts in Lighnovel Highschool DXD volume 1 namely kara dakara tame wake nara ba kamoshirenai desyou da and hazu
2 there are 3 types of modalities in representative illocutionary speech acts in Light novel Highschool DXD volume 1 namely setsumei kakugen and gaigen.
Keywords modalities, modalities of speech states, representative illocutionary