Rasionalitas Pelajar Surabaya Terlibat Gang
Rationality of Surabaya Students Involved in Gang
Gang menjadi fenomena di Surabaya pada saat itu, didalamnya berisi remaja - remaja yang melakukan tindakan kekerasan dan tawuran. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui motif anggota membentuk gang, Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, subjek yang diteliti berasal dari anggota gang BRT yang mempunyai peranan penting di kelompok gang (Barisan Remaja Tampan) BRT. Pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan dokumentasi dan wawancara. Motif anggota membentuk kelompok gang BRT, berdasarkan informasi informan bahwa perekrutan anggota gang BRT dengan cara mengajak teman-temannya yang sebaya maupun yang lain dengan cara mengajak langsung dan bila setuju atau suka langsung di masukkan dalam group whatsApp. Tujuan di bentuknya gang BRT ini karena mereka ingin berkumpul bersama teman untuk bermain game online dan aktivitas kelompok gang BRT ini berkumpul untuk membuat rencana dan strategi agar mereka lebih ditakuti dan bergengsi daripada gang lain yang ada di kota Surabaya. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa subjek mengikuti gang BRT karena dimasukkan ke Grup WhatsApp oleh teman nya, kemudian aktivitas BRT yaitu berkumpul untuk membuat gang bisa disegani, tawuran antar gang di daerah Surabaya Timur adu gengsi antar gang. Dimana gang (Barisan Remaja Tampan) BRT dapat di takuti atau disegani oleh gang lain, sehingga kelompok tersebut merasa lebih gengsi dibanding gang lain.
Kata Kunci: Fenomena, Gang BRT, Kenakalan Remaja
Alley became a phenomenon in Surabaya at that time, containing teenagers who committed acts of violence and brawls. The research objective is to determine the motives of the members to form a gang. The method in this study uses descriptive qualitative methods, the subjects studied came from members of the BRT gang who have an important role in the gang group (Barisan Remaja Handsome) BRT. Researcher data collection using documentation and interviews. The motive of the members to form the BRT gang group was based on informant information that the recruitment of BRT gang members was by inviting their peers at the same age or others by inviting them directly and if they agreed or liked, they were directly included in the WhatsApp group. The purpose of this BRT gang is because they want to gather with friends to play online games and the activities of this BRT gang group come together to make plans and strategies so that they are more feared and prestigious than other gangs in the city of Surabaya. The result of the research is that the subject followed the BRT alley because he was entered into the WhatsApp Group by his friend, then the BRT activity was gathering to make the alleys respected, brawls between alleys in the East Surabaya area fighting prestige between alleys. Where the BRT gang (Barisan Remaja Handsome) can be feared or respected by other gangs, so that the group feels more prestigious than other gangs.
Keywords: Phenomenon, Gang BRT, Juvenile Delinquency