Development of the Creative Attitude In Science Learning (CASL) Model to Practice Creative Thinking Skills and Positive Attitudes towards Science for PGSD Students
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model pembelajaran Creative Attitude in Science Learning (CASL) yang valid, praktis, dan efektif sebagai upaya melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan sikap positif terhadap sains mahasiswa PGSD. Kebaharuan pada model CASL terletak pada fase pertama dan keempat yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan sikap positif terhadap sains dalam mengatasi hambatan kreativitas dan mengembangkan butir tes soal kreativitas serta solusinya. Desain penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan mengacu pada desain model pengembangan menurut McKenny, terdiri atas: (1) tahap studi pendahuluan, meliputi analisis kebutuhan, studi pustaka, dan survei lapangan; (2) tahap perancangan model meliputi merancang model, validasi, revisi; dan (3) tahap pengujian model. Sasaran penelitian pada uji coba pada uji coba terbatas pada satu kelas 2019C Prodi PGSD Unesa sebanyak 41 mahasiswa. Uji coba luas pada satu kelas 2019F Prodi PGSD Unesa sebanyak 43 mahasiswa dan 2 kelas Prodi PGSD Unusida yakni 2020B sebanyak 43 mahasiswa dan 2020C sebanyak 43 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penilaian validitas pakar, lembar observasi, lembar tes keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan angket respon. Teknik analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, N-gain, dan uji statistik inferensial menggunakan uji perbedaan rata-rata. Model CASL dikembangkan berdasarkan analisis kelebihan model CPS dan kelemahan PBL dalam melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan sikap positif terhadap sains mahasiswa. Sintaks model CASL ada 5 yakni (1) Membangkitkan sikap positif sebagai pribadi yang kreatif; (2) Mengorganisasi belajar kreatif; (3) Membimbing investigasi kreatif; (4) Memantapkan sikap positif dalam menunjukkan kreativitas ilmiah; dan (5) Evaluasi sikap positif dan kreativitas ilmiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) model CASL dan perangkat pendukung memenuhi kriteria valid, (2) model CASL memenuhi kriteria praktis dengan keterlaksanaan dengan kategori sangat baik, (3) model CASL memenuhi kriteria efektif ditinjau dari rata-rata n-gain keterampilan berpikir kreatif setiap kelas konsisten dan tidak berbeda secara signifikan, dan sikap positif terhadap sains mahasiswa berkategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model CASL yang dikembangkan adalah valid, praktis dan efektif sehingga layak untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan sikap positif mahasiswa terhadap sains pada mahasiswa PGSD.
The purpose of this research is to produce a valid, practical, and effective Creative Attitude in Science Learning (CASL) learning model as an effort to train creative thinking skills and positive attitudes towards science for PGSD students. The novelty of the CASL model lies in the first and fourth phases, which aim to foster a positive attitude towards science in overcoming barriers to creativity and develop creativity test items and their solutions. The development research design used refers to the development model design according to McKenny, consisting of: (1) preliminary study phase, including needs analysis, literature study, and field survey; (2) the model design phase includes model design, validation, revision; and (3) the model testing phase. The research target in the trial in the trial was limited to one class 2019C of the Unesa PGSD Study Program as many as 41 students. Extensive trials in one class 2019F of the Unesa PGSD Study Program as many as 43 students and 2 classes of the Unusida PGSD Study Program namely 2020B as many as 43 students and 2020C as many as 43 students. Data was collected through expert validity assessments, observation sheets, creative thinking skills test sheets and response questionnaires. The data analysis techniques were descriptive qualitative and quantitative, N-gain, and inferential statistical tests using the average difference test. The CASL model was developed based on an analysis of the strengths of the CPS model and the weaknesses of PBL in training students' creative thinking skills and positive attitudes towards science. There are 5 CASL model syntaxes, namely (1) Generating a positive attitude as a creative person; (2) Organizing creative learning; (3) Guiding creative investigations; (4) Establish a positive attitude in demonstrating scientific creativity; and (5) Evaluation of positive attitude and scientific creativity. The results showed that: (1) the CASL model and supporting tools met the valid criteria, (2) the CASL model met the practical criteria with very good implementation, (3) the CASL model met the effective criteria in terms of the average n-gain thinking skills. The creativity of each class is consistent and not significantly different, and the positive attitude towards science is in the good category. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the CASL model developed is valid, practical and effective so that it is feasible to train students' creative thinking skills and positive attitudes towards science in PGSD students.