Rosadi, Dadi, 2025. The Influence of Discovery Flipped Learning on Critical Thinking Skills
and Problem-Solving Abilities in Science Subjects on the Topic of Magnitudes
and Measurements in Grade VII at the Indonesian School Kuala Lumpur .
Thesis, Educational Technology Study Program, Faculty of Education, State
University of Surabaya. Supervisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., and (II) Dr.
Andi Mariono, M.Pd.,
Keywords: Discovery Flipped Learning , Critical Thinking Ability, Problem
Solving Ability, Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School
This study aims to
analyze the influence of Discovery Flipped Learning on students critical
thinking skills and problem-solving abilities in the topic of Magnitudes and
Measurements in the 7th grade at Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur. This research
is a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group
design. The research subjects were selected using purposive sampling technique,
consisting of 23 seventh-grade students from Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur for
each experimental and control class. The control class, which used Discovery
learning, and the experimental class, which used Discovery Flipped Learning,
were tested with a written test instrument.
The results of the analysis
using the Independent Samples t-test the significance test value lower than 0.05
indicates that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This is also supported by the
average pretest-posttest scores and N-Gain values for each indicator of
critical thinking ability and problem-solving ability, where the control class
received a low category while the experimental class received a high category.
The average N-Gain in the Experimental class for critical thinking skills is
78.3% and in the control class is 17.3%. Meanwhile, the average N-Gain in
problem-solving ability was 76.1% in the experimental class and 26.5% in the
control class. Thus, it can be concluded that Discovery Flipped Learning has a
significant impact on students critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
in the subject of Magnitudes and Measurements in the 7th grade at the
Indonesian School in Kuala Lumpur compared to Discovery Learning alone.
According to this research, Discovery Flipped Learning can be used as an
innovative learning strategy to enhance students critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, especially to face the challenges of the 21st century.