Genjahan Hamlet, Genjahan Village, Ponjong Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul Regency is one area that has karst landscape a special strategy is needed in the use of land especially on the land around the settlement in order to increase the economic value of the community. The focus of this study is to determine the strategy of karst land use around settlements to increase the economic value of the community with a sub focus of research on aspects of water management and agriculture aspects.
This research uses a qualitative approach with an exploration method. Retrieval of data in the form of observations, interviews with snowball sampling, and documentation. The type of data needed in this study is primary data in the form of data on karst land use strategies around settlements and the economic conditions of the local community as well as secondary data in the form of supporting data such as hamlet monograph data and others. Data analysis techniques using the concept of Miles and Huberman which is divided into data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verification.
Forms of karst land use strategies around settlements that affect the economic value of the community, namely in terms of aspects of water management and agriculture in the rainy season, namely the first planting period (tibolabuh) the community uses the land to be focused on pajale plants. During the second planting period (lemarengan) is focused on growing corn and beans. In the dry season the community does not plant but is used to prepare for the first planting season when the rainy season comes. In addition, the land around the settlement is also used for raising livestock. The amount of income obtained starts from> Rp. 500,000 - Rp. 2,000,000 in one harvest even> Rp. 2,000,000. The economic improvement is also supported by the social conditions of the local community which are still thick..
Keywords: Land around settlements, Economists, Air management, Agriculture, Social conditions