Rufi’ah, 2023. "Development of E-Worksheet
Based on Problem-Based Learning Integrated with Ethnoscience to Train Critical
Thinking Skills of High School Students on
Nutrients." Thesis, Master of Biology Education, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Surabaya State University.
Advisor: (I) Dr. Raharjo, M.Si. and (II) Dr. Nur Ducha,
Keywords: critical thinking
skills, problem based learning ,
ethnoscience, e-worksheet,
Critical thinking skills are essential competencies
required in the Society 5.0 era. However, the limited teaching materials
available for students in Indonesia have resulted in relatively low levels of
critical thinking skills. To address this issue, the development of teaching
materials in the form of Problem-Based Learning (PBL)-based e-worksheets
integrated with ethnoscience is necessary to cultivate students' critical thinking
skills. This research aimed to produce PBL-based e-worksheets that were valid,
practical, and effective in enhancing students' critical thinking skills. These
skills are reflected in every aspect of the PBL model, making it a crucial
feature. The development procedure of the e-worksheets followed the 4D model,
which consisted of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The
research instruments used were validation sheets, observation sheets, critical
thinking skills tests, and questionnaire sheets. Data collection methods
included validation, observations, tests, and student response questionnaires.
The data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative descriptive
methods. The e-worksheets were implemented in class XI-6 at State High School 16
Surabaya using a One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of the research
showed that (1) the development of e-worksheets achieved high validity with an
average V Aiken score of 0.98 and 99% reliability, (2) the implementation of
learning achieved a high average score of 3.80, (3) the average student
activity was 3.78, indicating a very good level of engagement, (4) the results
of the critical thinking skills test showed that 91,18% of students achieved
mastery, and the N-Gain improvement scores were 0.78, meeting high criteria,
and the five indicators of critical thinking skills were successfully achieved
with an increase in the average score of 0.80 N-Gain with high criteria, (5)
students responded positively to the use of e-worksheets, with 92,05% reporting
satisfaction. Based on that, it can be concluded that the developed E-LKPD was
suitable for training critical thinking skills.