Arjuna Bangsawan. 2019. Representasi Budaya Jawa pada Film Animasi Knight Kris (Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce). Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Budaya, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Si. dan (II) Dr, I Nyoman Lodra, M.Si.
Kata kunci: film, animasi, semiotika, representasi, budaya Jawa, Knight Kris
Knight Kris merupakan film animasi yang dirilis pada tahun 2017. Film animasi tersebut diproduseri oleh Deddy Corbuzier dan diproduksi oleh studio animasi Viva Fantasia Indonesia. Film animasi Knight Kris bergenre fantasi, namun dalam latar cerita, penokohan dan tema yang diangkat mengandung unsur budaya Jawa. Dalam pengamatan lebih lanjut, peneliti melihat bahwa unsur-unsur budaya Jawa dalam film animasi Knight Kris direpresentasikan melalui adegan, penokohan karakter, setting, dan musik latar. Fokus permasalahan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) Bagaimana representasi budaya Jawa yang terkandung dalam film animasi Knight Kris, (2) Makna yang terkandung dalam representasi budaya Jawa film animasi Knight Kris.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif, yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Tinjauan pustaka yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah film sebagai teks budaya, budaya Jawa, dan studi semiotika. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk membedah representasi budaya Jawa dalam film ini adalah studi semiotika model Peirce dan kerangka analisis film dari Fiske. Unit analisis dari penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga level analisis, yakni level realitas, level representasi, dan level ideologi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi film animasi Knight Kris, teknik dokumentasi rekaman DVD film animasi Knight Kris, dan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah representasi budaya Jawa dalam film animasi Knight Kris tampil melalui penokohan karakter dalam adegan. Terdapat delapan nilai keluhuran Jawa yang direpresentasikan melalui perilaku serta karakter tokoh protagonis. Selain itu, representasi budaya Jawa tentang tata paugeraning urip juga ditemukan pada bagian awal film.
Melalui analisis yang dilakukan didapat kesimpulan bahwa terdapat beberapa representasi budaya Jawa dalam film animasi Knight Kris. Film ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran karakter kepada siswa untuk mengenalkan etos Jawa, nilai keluhuran ataupun tata paugeraning urip.
Bangsawan, Arjuna. 2019. The Representation of Javanese Culture in Knight Kris Animation Movie (Charles Sanders Peirce’s Semiotic Analysis) Thesis, Arts and Cultural Education Program, Graduate Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Dr. Anik Juwariyah, M.Si. Dan (II) Dr, I Nyoman Lodra, M.Si.
Keys : movie, animation, semiotic, representation, Javanese culture, Knight Kris.
Knight Kris is an animated movie released in 2017. The animated movie was produced by Deddy Corbuzier and produced by Viva Fantasia Indonesia animation studio. The genre of Knight Kris movie is a fantasy, but in the story setting, characterizations and themes contain elements of Javanese culture. In further observations, the researchers saw that elements of Javanese culture in the Knight Kris movie were represented through scenes, characterizations, settings, and background music. Focus of the problems in this study are (1) How is the representation of Javanese culture contained in the Knight Kris movie, (2) The meaning contained in the representation of Javanese culture in the Knight Kris animated movie.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative method, which is described descriptively. The literature review used is movie as a cultural text, Javanese culture, and semiotic studies. The approach used to dissect the representation of Javanese culture in this movie is the semiotic study of the Peirce model and the movie analysis framework of Fiske. The unit of analysis of this study consists of three levels of analysis, the level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology. The technique of collecting data is through observation of Knight Kris animated movies, documentation techniques for recording DVD’s of Knight Kris animated movies, and literature studies.
The results of this study are representations of Javanese culture in the Knight Kris animated movie appearing through characterizations in the scene. There are eight Javanese nobleness values that are represented by the behavior and character of the protagonist. In addition, the representation of Javanese culture about tata paugeraning urip is also found at the beginning of the film.
The analysis concluded that there are several representations of Javanese culture in the Knight Kris animated movie. This movie can also be used as a medium for character learning for students to introduce the Javanese ethos, noble values or tata paugeraning urip.