Sujarwo , 2020. Process Thinking Critically Students of SMK With Intelligence
Interpersonal and intrapersonal In Solving Problems of Mathematics Judging from
the difference type Gender . Dissertation , Surabaya State University
Postgraduate Mathematics Education Study Program . Promoter : Prof. I Ketut
Budayasa , Ph.D., Kopromotor : Prof. Dr. Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono , M.Pd .
Key words : Critical thinking, problem solving, interpersonal and
intrapersonal intelligence, gender differences.
This study aims to
describe the critical thinking process of vocational school students with
interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence in solving math problems in terms
of gender differences. Subject research this includes students of men who tend
masculine with intelligence interpersonal, students men who tend masculine with
, students of women who tend to be feminine with intelligence interpersonal,
and students of women who tend to be feminine with intelligence intrapersonal
with the ability mathematics is nearly the same . This type of research is
categorized as exploratory research with a qualitative approach.
The data was
collected by giving problem solving tests (TPM) and in-depth interviews which
were conducted twice. The second problem solving test and in-depth interview
aimed at triangulation. After obtaining valid data, data analysis was carried
out. The process of analysis of data
that do include several stages , namely : reduction of data, presentation of
data, and the withdrawal of conclusion .
The results of this
study can be described as follows . Male students with interpersonal intelligence,
hereinafter referred to as SLR, in solving mathematical problems at the stage
of understanding the problem, at first doing interpretation, analysis,
evaluation, inference, explanation and also self-regulation. At the stage
of preparing a problem-solving plan, SLR performs an analysis and can explain
the logical reasons why it uses a problem-solving plan as described. In
addition, SLR conducts evaluation, explanation and self-regulation. At the
stage of implementing the problem-solving plan, SLR conducts inference,
evaluation, explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of re-examining the
work results, SLR conducts inference, evaluation and self-regulation in the
form of rechecking the steps it has taken from beginning to end by double
checking what is known, asked, but does not recalculate, it is enough to read
the existing information. questioned then match the calculation results by simply
looking at the results of calculations that have been done.
female students with interpersonal intelligence, hereinafter referred to as
SPR, in solving math problems at the stage of understanding the problem, SPR
performs interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and also
self-regulation. At the stage of preparing a problem-solving
plan, SPR performs an analysis and can explain the logical reasons why using
the problem-solving plan as described. In addition, SPR conducts evaluation,
explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of implementing the
problem-solving plan, SPR conducts inference, evaluation, explanation and
self-regulation. At the stage of re-examining the results of the work, SPR
conducts inference, evaluation and self-regulation in the form of
rechecking the steps it has taken from beginning to end by looking back at the
questions and looking back at what is known and stated, and recalculating in
detail one one by one to get valid data.
Male students with intrapersonal intelligence,
hereinafter referred to as SLA, in solving mathematics problems at the stage of
understanding the problem, the subject performs interpretation, analysis,
evaluation, inference, explanation and also self-regulation. At the stage of compiling a problem-solving
plan, the SLA performs an analysis and can explain the logical reasons why
using the problem-solving plan as described. In addition, SLA performs
evaluation, explanation and self-regulation in different ways. At the stage
of implementing the problem-solving plan, SLA conducts inference, evaluation,
explanation and self- regulation . Although the male
subjects had examined the calculation steps one by one, the male subjects were
not careful in calculating so that there were errors. At the stage of
re-examining the results of the work, SLA carries out inference, evaluation and
self-regulation in the form of checking the steps it has taken from
beginning to end in different ways, because there are differences in interpretation
in interpreting the questions, the results of the calculations are wrong,
however the answers given still meets the limits given to the problem at hand.
Furthermore, female students with intrapersonal
intelligence, hereinafter referred to as SPA, in solving mathematical problems
at the stage of understanding the problem, the subject performs interpretation,
analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and also self-regulation. At the stage of compiling a problem-solving
plan, SPA performs analysis and can explain the logical reasons why using the
problem-solving plan as described. In addition, SPA conducts evaluation,
explanation and self-regulation. At the stage of implementing the
problem-solving plan, SPA conducts inference, evaluation, explanation and self-regulation. At
this stage re-examine the results of the work, the SPA did inference,
evaluation and self-regulation in the form of activities to check the
steps that have been done by checking a few things ,
especially related to the cost that it takes the money that
is available , with a look back the
answer that he has as a whole finally the
student gets the correct solution .