Scallop Ikan Gabus merupakan makanan siap saji berbahan dasar daging ikan gabus yang memiliki banyak manfaat baik bagi tubuh. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas cita rasa dan gizi, scallop bisa ditambahkan bahan pangan lainnya seperti nori dan wortel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) formula scallop ikan gabus; 2) tingkat kesukaan scallop ikan gabus; 3) harga jual scallop per 500 gram. Penelitian uji coba ini dilakukan sebanyak dua kali. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode observasi dengan kuisioner dan dilakukan oleh 40 panelis semi terlatih, tidak terlatih dari masyarakat sekitar. analisis data tentang tingkat kesukaan menggunakan persentase, dan untuk menghitung harga jual menggunakan metode full costing. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Formula terbaik pada scallop ikan gabus sebagai berikut : Tepung terigu 50gr, Tepung tapioka 25gr, Daging ikan gabus 300, Wortel 30gr, Bawang prei 30gr, Nori 5gr, Garam 5gr, Gula pasir 5gr, Telur 120gr, Baking powder 3gr, Bawang putih 30gr, Bawang merah 30gr, Minyak 50gr. 2) Penilaian tingkat kesukaan scallop ikan gabus di peroleh sebagai berikut :37 panelis (92%) panelis menyatakan suka sampai sangat suka terhadap warna, 33 orang panelis (82%) menyatakan suka sampai sangat suka terhadap aroma, 28 orang panelis (70%) menyatakan suka sampai sangat suka terhadap rasa, dan 31 orang panelis (77%) menyatakan sangat suka sampai suka terhadap tekstur 3) Harga jual scallop sebesar Rp. 26,500,00,- per 500 gram.
ABSTRACT Cork Fish Scallop is a ready-to-eat food made from snakehead fish meat which has many good benefits for the body. To improve the quality of taste and nutrition, scallops can be added to other food ingredients such as nori and carrots. This study aims to determine: 1) the formula of snakehead fish scallop; 2) the level of preference for snakehead scallops; 3) selling price of scallops per 500 grams. This pilot study was conducted twice. Data were collected using the observation method with questionnaires and carried out by 40 semi-trained, untrained panelists from the surrounding community. analysis of data on the level of preference using a percentage, and to calculate the selling price using the full costing method. The test results showed that: 1) The best formula for snakehead fish scallops was as follows: Wheat flour 50gr, Tapioca flour 25gr, Snakehead fish meat 300, Carrots 30gr, Leeks 30gr, Nori 5gr, Salt 5gr, Sugar 5gr, Eggs 120gr, Baking powder 3gr, Garlic 30gr, Shallot 30gr, Oil 50gr. 2) Assessment of the level of preference for snakehead scallops was obtained as follows: 37 panelists (92%) panelists stated that they liked to really like the color, 33 panelists (82%) said they liked to really like the aroma, 28 panelists (70%) stated that they liked the taste very much, and 31 panelists (77%) said they liked it very much until they liked the texture. 3) The selling price of scallops was Rp. 26,500,- per 500 grams.