Pantai Blado menjadi pilihan wisata bahari yang berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia dan terletak di Kecamatan Munjungan. Akses dan letak Pantai Blado cukup sulit namun tidak mengurangi minat wisatawan. Jumlah pengunjung pada hari biasa yang berjumlah <100 orang per harinya, pada momen tertentu seperti perayaan hari besar Islam atau pada saat upacara budaya, jumlah pengunjung naik hingga 100% atau kurang lebih 200-an orang. Hasil observasi awal yang didapatkan peneliti kondisi fasilitas penunjang di Pantai Blado masih kurang, seperti kurangnya jumlah kamar mandi dan kurang terawatnya fasilitas ibadah.Persepsi wisatawan mengenai fasilitas penunjang Pantai Blado perlu diketahui untuk pengembangan dan perbaikan fasilitas penunjang guna memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan selama berwisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) motivasi wisatawan (2) persepsi wisatawan mengenai fasilitas penunjang.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei yang menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel sebesar 100 responden diambil accidental random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi untuk mengamati kondisi awal fasilitas penunjang dan survei angket untuk mendapatkan data motivasi dan persepsi wisatawan terhadap fasilitas penunjang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik skoring dengan Skala Likert.
Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa (1) motivasi wisatawan berkunjung ke Pantai Blado dalam kategori tinggi. Motivasi yang paling mendominasi adalah motivasi fisik. (2) Persepsi wisatawan objek wisata Pantai Blado mengenai fasilitas penunjang dalam kategori baik. Sub indikator fasilitas seperti jumlah tempat sampah, kondisi sampah yang tidak berserakan, adanya petugas kebersihan, adanya juru parkir, dan adanya parkir berdasarkan golongan kendaraan memiliki persepsi buruk dari pengunjung.
Kata Kunci : Motivasi Wisatawan, Persepsi wisatawan, Fasilitas Penunjang
Blado Beach is a marine tourism option which is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean and is located in Munjungan District. Access and location of Blado Beach is quite difficult but does not reduce interest of tourists. The number of visitors on weekdays is <100 people per day, at certain moments such as celebrations of Islamic holidays or during cultural ceremonies, the number of visitors rises to 100% or approximately 200 people. The results of initial observations obtained by researchers that the condition of supporting facilities at Blado Beach is still lacking, such as the lack of a number of bathrooms and the lack of well-maintained worship facilities. Tourists' perceptions of the supporting facilities of Blado Beach need to be known for the development and improvement of supporting facilities to meet the needs of tourists during their trip. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the motivation of tourists (2) the perception of tourists about supporting facilities.
This type of research is a survey that uses a quantitative descriptive approach. A sample of 100 respondents was taken by accidental random sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation to observe the initial conditions of the supporting facilities and a questionnaire survey to obtain data on the motivation and perceptions of tourists towards the supporting facilities. The data analysis technique used a scoring technique with a Likert Scale.
The results of the research show that (1) the motivation of tourists to visit Blado Beach is in the high category. The most dominating motivation is physical motivation. (2) Tourist perceptions of Blado Beach tourist attraction regarding supporting facilities are in good category. Sub-indicators of facilities such as the number of trash cans, the condition of garbage that is not scattered, the presence of a janitor, the presence of a parking attendant, and the existence of parking based on vehicle class have a bad perception from visitors.
Keywords: Tourist Motivation, Tourist Perception, Supporting Facilities