Go online is a level of guidance from the Rumah BUMN Bank Mandiri Surabaya program. This program was initiated by Ministry of BUMN and BUMN collaboration with Bank Mandiri in forming a digital economy ecosystem. Rumah BUMN will act as data and information center as well as an education center in order to increase the capacity and capability of UMKM. The research objective is to describe in depth the quality of go online services as a form of corporate social responsibility for the development of UMKM actors at the Rumah BUMN of Bank Mandiri Surabaya. Type of research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Focus of this research according to Sinambela, dkk(2011: 6) is centered on excellent service quality including: transparency, accountability, conditional, participatory, equal rights, and balance of rights and obligations. Data collection techniques through literature studies, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis technique used an interactive analysis model consisting of three components of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that Rumah BUMN Bank Mandiri Surabaya had tried to provide services in accordance with the excellent service quality. Transparency, Rumah BUMN Bank Mandiri Surabaya has been open in terms of information up to product developments. Accountability, accountability is carried out periodically every month in the form of a written report and monitoring. Conditionally, it is quite efficient and effective as seen from the satisfaction of the assisted UMKM with the services provided. Participation, both UMKM and Rumah BUMN Bank Mandiri Surabaya have been enthusiastic in carrying out the program. Equality of rights, the services provided are fair and equal to built UMKM where the information and services provided are the same. Balance of Rights and Obligations, responsibility for the rights of UMKM has been fulfilled by paying attention to aspects of justice regarding development. Keywords: Service Quality, CSR, Go online