Muhamad Basorah. 2024.
School Marketing Strategies to Attract Interest and Maintain Community Trust
(Multi-Site Study at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Gresik). Thesis, S2 Educational Management Study Program, Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training, State University of Surabaya. Supervisors: (I)
Dr. Erny Roesminingsih, M.Si. and (II) Dr. Amrozi Khamidi, M.Pd.
Various strategies, innovations and
expansion activities in various agencies, institutions, or organizations are
intensively implemented. In this research activity, the researcher has
conducted observation, interview, and documentation activities with qualitative
research methods related to school marketing strategies to attract interest and
maintain public trust in SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Gresik. This research is a qualitative research with a multi-site study
research design, so in analyzing the data is carried out in 2 (two) stages,
namely: (1) individual site data analysis, and (2) cross-site data analysis,
data collection is carried out using participatory observation techniques,
in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The validity of the data in
this study was carried out credibility test, transferability test,
dependability test, and confirmability test..
The results of the study show that
through the 7P + 1 marketing strategy related to (1) The product is the output
of graduates. (2) price is a variety of flexibility in the cost of education
offered by the school. (3) Place/location is the location of the school, (4)
promotion is a promotional activity carried out by the school, (5) physical
evidence is adequate facilities and infrastructure, (6) human resources
(people) are adequate qualifications of teachers and education personnel, (7) process
is a series of planning activities to evaluate school marketing activities. (8)
Program is a flagship program offered by the school. The results of this study
can be used as reference material for (1) school principals as the main source
of reference in school marketing strategies, especially in planning and
evaluation activities, (2) educational foundations as consideration and
decision-making materials related to the implementation of school marketing
strategies carried out.
Keywords: School Marketing Strategy, Interest,
Community Trust