Strategi Coping Player Mobile Legends Dalam Menghadapi Tindakan Verbal Abuse
Coping Strategies of Mobile Legends Players in the Face of Verbal Abuse
Penelitian psikologi kualitatif ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana (1)bentuk dari perilaku Verbal Abuse yang diterima oleh player laki-laki di Game Mobile Legends (2)dampak dari tindakan Verbal Abuse yang diterima oleh player laki-laki di Mobile Legends, (3) seperti apa strategi coping yang mereka lakukan untuk mengatasi tindakan Verbal Abuse tersebut melalui pendekatan fenomenologi. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan empat laki-laki player game Mobile Legends:Bang-Bang. Melalui metode IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) didapatkan tiga tema induk yakni, pengalaman Verbal Abuse, dampak Verbal Abuse, dan strategi coping. Pada tema pertama dijelaskan bagaimana proses dan bentuk Verbal Abuse yang diterima oleh laki-laki di game Mobile Legends. Tema kedua menjelaskan tentang penurunan performa,kepercayaan diri, dan emosi negatif sebagai dampak dari Verbal Abuse. Tema ketiga menampilkan strategi coping yang dilakukan oleh player laki-laki. Dari studi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keempat partisipan dapat mengantarkan permasalahan yang mereka miliki melalui strategi coping.
Kata kunci: Verbal Abuse, Strategi coping, Mobile Legends, Game Online
This qualitative psychological research aims to find out how (1) the form of Verbal Abuse behavior received by male players in the Mobile Legends game (2) the impact of Verbal Abuse received by male players in Mobile Legends, (3) what kind of coping strategies they do to overcome the Verbal Abuse through a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with four male Mobile Legends:Bang-Bang game players. Through the IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) method, three main themes were obtained, namely, the experience of Verbal Abuse, the impact of Verbal Abuse, and coping strategies. The first theme explains the process and form of Verbal Abuse received by men in the Mobile Legends game. The second theme describes the decline in performance, self-confidence, and negative emotion s as an impact of Verbal Abuse. The third theme displays the coping strategies used by male players. From this study it can be concluded that the four participants can deliver the problems they have through coping strategies.
Keywords: Verbal Abuse, Coping Strategy, Mobile Legends, Game Online