Pada zaman era globalisasi saat ini kinerja perangkat desa sangat penting untuk kemajuan Desa. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil penelitian bahwa kepuasan kerja menentukan kinerja perangkat desa. Setelah terjadinya reformasi di Indonesia peran perangkat desa sebagai pelayan public menjadi sorotan utama bagi masyarakat.untuk memaksimalkan potensi desa tersebut sebagai lembaga desa yang bertugas untuk mengelola potensi desa dan jalanya pemerintahan di desa, maka memiliki peranan penting dalam melakukan pelayanan terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang administrasi kependudukan dan surat menyurat dari warga desa. Adanya kepuasan kerja perangkat Desa Sedeng yang bisa mempengaruhi kinerja atau performance yang merupakan gambaran peningkatan kinerja perangkat desa yang semakin gencar di suarakan. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepuasan kerja perangkat Desa Sedeng dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang akan menjelaskan adanya Kepuasan Kerja terhadap kinerja perangkat Desa Sedeng Kecamatan Kanor, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh untuk mengetahui kepuasan kerja perangkat desa yang meliputi beberapa aspek; gaji, pekerjaan itu sendiri , kesempatan promosi, supervise atau pengawasan dan rekan kerja. Dalam pengambilan penelitian ini melibatkan peran penting perangkat desa diantaranya Kepala Desa, Sekretaris Desa,Kasi Pemerintahan,Kasi Kesejahteraan, Kasi Pelayanan,Kaur Perencanaan,Kaur Keuangan,Kaur Umum dan TU serta Kepala dusun yang merupakan unsur pemerintahan Desa. Dengan adanya penelitian ini bisa diketahui bahwa kepuasan kerja perangkat desa mempengaruhi kinerja dalam memberikan pelayanan di pemerintahan Desa Sedeng Kecamatan Kanor Kabupaten Bojonegoro dinyatakan berperan memberikan pelayanan kepada warga masyarakat baik sarana dan prasarana, demi terciptanya kesejahteraan masyarakat desa.
In the current era of globalization, the performance of village officials is very important for the progress of the village. This is based on the results of research that job satisfaction determines the performance of Village Apparatus. After the reformation in Indonesia, the role of Village Apparatus as public servants became the main spotlight for the community. To maximize the potential of the village as a village institution in charge of managing the potential of the village and the running of the government in the village, it has an important role in providing services to the needs of the community in the field of population administration and correspondence from villagers. The existence of job satisfaction of the Sedeng Village apparatus which can affect performance which is a depiction of improving the performance of Village Apparatus which is increasingly being voiced. This study also aims to determine the job satisfaction of Sedeng Village Apparatus using qualitative methods that will explain the existence of Job Satisfaction on the performance of Sedeng Village Apparatus, Kanor District, Bojonegoro Regency. Based on the data obtained to determine the job satisfaction of Village Apparatus which includes several aspects; salary, the job itself, promotional opportunities, supervise and coworkers. In taking this research, it involves the important role of village officials including the Village Head, Village Secretary, Head of Government, Head of Welfare, Head of Service, Head of Planning, Head of Finance, Head of General Affairs and Administration and Head of hamlet who are elements of village government. With this research, it can be seen that the job satisfaction of Village Apparatus affects performance in providing services in the Sedeng Village government, Kanor District, Bojonegoro Regency, which is stated to play a role in providing services to community members, both facilities and infrastructure, in order to create the welfare of the village community.