Septiana, Ika. 2019. Pola Intonasi Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia Anak Autis: Kajian Pragmalinguistik. Disertasi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. Pembimbing (II) Prof. Dr. Kisyani Laksono, M.Hum.
Kata kunci: pola intonasi, kalimat bahasa Indonesia, autis
Penelitian ini menganalisis kalimat bahasa Indonesia anak autis khususnya pola intonasi kalimat. Objek penelitian ini adalah pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia anak autis berdasarkan kajian pragmalinguistik. Pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini meliputi pola intonasi kalimat deklaratif, pola intonasi kalimat interogatif, dan pola intonasi kalimat imperatif. Data penelitian ini adalah kalimat bahasa Indonesia yang meliputi kalimat deklaratif, kalimat interogatif, dan kalimat imperatif.
Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia anak autis berdasarkan kajian pragmalinguistik. Sumber data penelitian adalah anak autis SDLB Talitakum Semarang yang berusia 11—15 tahun, anak autis produktif, dan dapat melakukan kegiatan pertuturan.
Terdapat keragaman pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia anak autis berdasarkan kajian pragmalinguistik. Pola intonasi kalimat juga terbagi antara pola intonasi yang disertai dengan puncak kontur. Kalimat bahasa Indonesia anak autis terdapat jeda dan tekanan sehingga dalam gambar kontur terdapat puncak kontur. Puncak kontur tersebut menunjukan adanya tekanan dalam tuturan anak autis.
Diskusi hasil penelitian diperoleh mengenai kalimat bahasa Indonesia yang dituturkan anak autis meliputi kalimat tunggal dan kalimat kombinasi kata. Pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia tuturan anak autis ditandai dengan nada rendah (1), sedang (2), dan tinggi (3). Pola tersebut digunakan untuk menandai pola intonasi kalimat bahasa Indonesia.
Berdasarkan struktur fungsional, ada kalimat deklaratif berstruktur versi dan kalimat deklaratif berstruktur inversi. Kalimat dekalratif berstruktur versi ada tujuh struktur fungsional yaitu SP, SPO, SPPel, SPK, Ket.SP, Sket.P, dan P. Kalimat deklaratif berstruktur inversi ada tiga struktur fungsional yaitu PS, PSO, PSKet. Selain berstruktur inversi ada juga berstruktur pemutasian yang struktur fungsional POS dan PKet.S.
Terdapat keragaman pola intonasi kalimat deklaratif tuturan anak autis disimbolkan dengan pola intonasi akhir 21t#, 22t#, 31t#, 231t#, 222t#, 23t#, 3t#, 32t#, 232t#, 221t#, 3n2t#, 321t#. Pola yang paling banyak muncul adalah 21t# dan 22t#. Pola sedang yaitu 222t# dan 23t#. Pola intonasi yang jarang muncul ada empat, yaitu 232t#, 221t#, 3n2t#, dan 321t#. Anak autis berkecenderungan menggunakan intonasi rendah dengan nada turun pada tuturan deklaratif. Itu menunjukkan bahwa anak autis berusaha menginformasikan dan mengungkapkan sesuatu yang dirasakan dan ingin disampaikan kepada mitra tutur walaupun terkadang tuturan tersebut perlu pemahaman intonasi yang digunakan anak dan pemahaman di luar konteks.
Berdasarkan struktur fungsional, ada kalimat interogatif berstruktur versi dan kalimat interogatif berstruktur inversi. Kalimat interogatif berstruktur versi ada empat struktur fungsional, yaitu, SP, SPO, SPPel, dan SPOK. Kalimat interogatif berstruktur inversi ada satu pola yaitu, PS. Keragaman pola intonasi kalimat interogatif tuturan anak autis disimbolkan 21t#, 22t#, 23t#, 3t#, 23n#, 3n#, 1t#, 323t#, dan 321t#. Pola intonasi interogatif yang sering muncul adalah 21t# dan 23t#. Pola intonasi yang biasa saja ada 23n#. Pola yang jarang muncul ada 1t#, 323t#, dan 321t#. Itu menunjukkan anak autis menuturkan kalimat interogatif dengan intonasi rendah dengan nada turun dan intonasi tinggi dengan nada turun.
Berdasarkan struktur fungsional, ada kalimat imperatif berstruktur versi dan kalimat imperatif berstruktur inversi. Kalimat imperatif berstruktur versi ada enam struktur fungsional, yaitu PO, nomina vokatif+PO, PO+nomina vokatif, nomina vokatif+PKet. Ada juga kalimat imperatif berstruktur versi dengan dua klausa dengan struktur fungsional SP1OP1, P1SP2Ket, dan P1P2O. Kalimat imperatif berstruktur inversi ada struktur fungsional PSO. Keragaman pola intonasi kalimat imperatif tuturan anak autis disimbolkan 22t#, 23n#, 3n#, 223t#, 3t#, 32t#, 21t#, dan 232t#. Pola intonasi yang sering muncul ada 22t# dan 23n#. Pola yang biasa muncul ada 3t# dan 32t#. Pola yang jarang muncul ada 21t#, 223t#, dan 232t#. Ini menunjukkan anak autis menuturkan kalimat imperatif dengan intonasi sedang dengan nada turun dan intonasi tinggi dengan nada naik.
Penelitian ini berguna bagi guru, orang tua, dan lembaga pendidikan. Orang tua khususnya yang putra-putrinya autis diharapkan memahami penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang benar dan baik. Anak memiliki sikap peduli mengenai tuturan anak. Guru diharapkan lebih memahami pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang benar dan baik serta peduli akan kondisi anak ketika anak berbicara menggunakan kalimat bahasa Indonesia. Pendidikan, khususnya lembaga pendidikan di perguruan tinggi di bidang pendidikan diharapkan adanya tambahan mata kuliah pendidikan ABK dan di program studi Pendidikan ABK ada mata kuliah pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia.
Septiana, Ika. 2019. Intonation Pattern of Indonesian Sentence of Children with Autism: Pragmalinguistic Study. Dissertation of Study Program of Language and Literature, Postgraduate Program of Surabaya State University. Supervisor (I): Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. Supervisor (II): Prof. Dr. Kisyani Laksono, M.Hum.
Keywords: intonation pattern, Indonesian sentence, autism
This research discussed Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism. The scope of this research was sentencing intonation pattern. The object of this research was the intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence. The study was pragmalinguistic. This research was aimed to describe the intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism. The intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence in this research covered intonation of the declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, an imperative sentence.
This employed research qualitative research approach which to describe intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism. The resource of the data of this research was children with autism from SDLB (Elementary School for Children with Special Needs) Talitakum of Semarang who were 10—15 years old. The children were productive children with autism.
There was a variety of intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism based on the pragmalinguistic study. Sentence intonation pattern was also categorized based on the last contour. The Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism, there were juncture and pressure and there was the last contour in the graph. The last contour showed the pressure in the utterance of children with autism.
From the research result, it was found that Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism covered single sentence and word combination sentence. The intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence spoken by children with autism was marked with low (1), moderate (2) and high (3) tone. The employed pattern is to mark the intonation pattern of Indonesian sentence.
Based on the functional structure there are declarative sentences with version structures and declarative sentences with inversion structures. Version structured decrational sentences have seven functional structures, namely SP, SPO, SPP, SPK, Ket. SP, Sket. P, and P. Declarative sentences with inversion structure, there are three functional structures, PS, PSO, PSKet. In addition to structured inversion, there is also a structured structure with functional structures POS and PK.
There was the variety of intonation pattern of the declarative sentence spoken by children with autism which was symbolized with last intonation pattern 21t#, 22t#, 31t#, 231t#, 222t#, 23t#, 3t#, 32t#, 232t#, 221t#, 3n2t#, and 321t#. There were four intonation patterns which occurred rarely, they were 232t#, 221t#, 3n2t#, and 321t#. Children with autism tend to use low intonation with a low tone in the declarative utterance. It means that children with autism tried to tell and express what they felt and what they wanted to convey to the respondent although the respondent sometimes needs to understand the intonation which was used by the children with autism. In addition, the respondents also need the understanding outside the context.
Based on the functional structure there are interrogative sentences with version structures and interrogative sentences with inversion structures. Interrogative sentences with version structure have four functional structures, namely SP, SPO, SPPel, and SPOK. The interrogative sentence with an inversion structure has one pattern, PS. The variety of intonation pattern of the interrogative sentence spoken by children with autism was symbolized with 21t#, 22t#, 23t#, 3t#, 23n#, 3n#, 1t#, 323t#, and 321t#. The interrogative patterns which occurred often were 21t# and 23t#. The intonation with a moderate frequency of occurrence was 23n#. The patterns which rarely occurred were 1t#, 323t#, and 321t#. It means that the children with autism uttered the interrogative sentence with low intonation and low tone and interrogative sentence with high intonation and low tone.
Based on the functional structure there are imperative sentences with structural versions and imperative sentences with inversion structures. There are six imperative structures with version structure, namely PO, vocative noun + PO, PO + vocative noun, vocative noun + PKet. There is also an imperative sentence with a version structure with two clauses with functional structures SP1OP1, P1SP2Ket, and P1P2O. The imperative sentence with an inversion structure has a PSO functional structure. The variety of intonation pattern of the imperative sentence spoken by children with autism was symbolized with 22t#, 23n#, 3n#, 223t#, 3t#, 32t#, 21t#, and 232t#. The patterns which occurred often were 22t# and 23n#. The patterns with moderate frequency of occurrence were 3t# and 32t#. The pattern which rarely occurred were 21t#, 223t#, and 232t#. It means that the children with autism uttered the imperative sentence with moderate intonation and low tone and imperative sentence with high intonation and high tone.
This research was useful for teachers, parents, and education. Parents with children with autism are expected to be able to understand the use of proper Indonesian language and care about their children’s utterance. Teachers are expected to understand the proper Indonesian language learning more and care about the condition of students when the students speak using Indonesian sentence. Education, especially higher education institution of the education field, is expected to have the subject of Education for children with special needs and study program of Education for children with special needs is expected to have the subject of Indonesian language.