Today, computers are mainly employed as
educational tools, whether for regular activities, solving complicated issues,
or creating systems. Computer programming will feature logic-based exercises
that serve as a foundation for developing vocational high school students'
programming problem-solving abilities. As a result, to impart problem-solving
abilities through the use of computer programming, the majority of students learn
to program through reading books or listening to teacher explanations. These
approaches do not produce the best outcomes since programming is a talent that
requires extensive experience, not simply theory. The teacher's involvement
becomes critical in motivating students to complete programming tasks
regularly. The purpose of this study is to determine the reliability of
automatic programming assessment tools, the construct validity of
problem-solving skills acquired in Basic Programming subjects, the effect of
student learning motivation on programming problem-solving skills, the effect
of understanding programming concepts on programming problem-solving skills,
and the reliability judgment agreement between automatic programming assessment
and manual programming assessment.
This work is a quantitative descriptive
investigation with an ex post facto methodology. This study utilizes two
exogenous variables: students' motivation to learn (X1) and their comprehension
of programming concepts (X2), as well as two endogenous variables:
problem-solving skills (Y). The data collecting sample consisted of 202
students from SMK Negeri 1 and 2 Surabaya pursuing degrees in Information and
Communication Technology, focusing on Software Engineering and Multimedia. The data
gathering tool used surveys, multiple-choice exams, and essay test questions to
collect data. The data analysis approach makes use of the standard error of the
mean (structural equation modeling).
The results indicated that (1) student learning
motivation did not affect programming problem-solving skills in vocational
students, as indicated by a coefficient value of -0.52 indicating a negative
direction; and (2) understanding of programming concepts has a positive effect
on programming problem-solving skills in vocational students, as indicated by a
coefficient value of 1.085 indicating a positive direction. (3) the
appropriateness of assessors, namely automatic programming assessment with
manual with a test result value of K = 0.441, indicating that it categorized
into the excellent group.