Evaluasi Perkembangan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Evaluation Of The Development Of Green Open Spaces In Sidoarjo City
Green Open Space functions as a city lung. Green Open Space in Sidoarjo Regency is increasing. In 2013 the area of green space in Sidoarjo regency was 41.09 bstractconsisting of private and public green open space. Minimum green space in Sidoarjo Regency is thirty percent of the total area of the regency. The study aims to describe 1) Changing green space in Sidoarjo Regency in 2013-2017, 2) Evaluating the development of green open space in Sidoarjo Regency
This research uses descriptive percentage research with remote sensing technique. Interpret the distribution and extent of green space from satellite imagery and use secondary data as a data source. The study was conducted in the urban area of Sidoarjo consisting of nine districts namely Sidoarjo District, Buduran District (buduran village, damarsi prasung, middle hamlet, banjarasari, wadungasih, sidomulyo, pagerwojo, and sidokerto), Candi District, Tanggulangin District (covering boro village, kludan , randegan, kandensari, and kalisampurno) Krian District, Taman District. Waru District, Gedangan District, Sukodono District. Samples were taken using Simple Random Sampling, where the selection of sample locations was carried out randomly in each district.
The results of the study explained that 1) Green Open Space in the Regency was fulfilled in accordance with the requirements for Green Open Space based on Permen PU No. 05 / PRT / M / 2008 concerning the supply and utilization of Green Open Space in the city area. Sidoarjo Regency in 2013-2017 has a green open space of 54.03%. The development of green open space in Sidoarjo Regency in the last 5 years is quite stable except in 2016 it decreased by 0.17%, each year increasing by kneeling by 0.13%, 1.27%. -0.17%, and 1.74% 2) The needs of green open space are allocated in each district in Sidoarjo City, Sidoarjo sub-district is the district with the highest green open space needs, while Sukodono sub-district is the sub-district with the lowest green open space needs because Sidoarjo sub-district is a sub-district the largest in the city of Sidoarjo, the extent of about 17.43% of the area of the city of Sidoarjo
Keywords:public green open space, private open green space, open green space